
App by Christian Grace
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App by Christian Grace ($199.95 or download for $199.95)

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Enigma - magic
Enigma Enigma Enigma

If mind reading was real, it would look like this.

We’re so excited to be the only magic store in the world with the privilege of offering “Enigma”, the revolutionary effect from Christian Grace that has taken the entire community by storm.

“An exceptional new mind reading system from a truly exceptional mind. This is absolute genius.” Michael Murray

“Enigma” was born out of Christian's obsession with propless mentalism. He was fascinated by the idea of walking into a room and instantly reading someone’s mind at any moment. But he did not like how many of the most popular effects used complex systems that required a ton of memorization and difficult on-the-fly calculations. “Enigma” is a one-of-a-kind app that solves these problems (and is available on both iOS and Android).

You have your participant freely think of something. It could be an object, animal, or even a place. They then silently spell it in their head. During this simple, innocuous moment, you get the information you need to reveal their thought-of word. They never write or type anything, and there are no forces.

"Enigma" works in a variety of languages (listed in the FAQ below). What makes it even more powerful is the fact that you could technically even perform "Enigma" for someone who speaks a language you are not fluent in. As long as they are able to understand the language you speak, you could use "Enigma" to reveal a word in their native tongue.

The best part though is that "Enigma" is easy to do and can be performed at at whatever pace works best for your character—whether that's a 3-minute routine or a longer theatrical performance. Contrary to what some conversations on the internet will have you believe, "Enigma" does not take 10 minutes to perform, as seen in this full performance below.

The thinking behind “Enigma” is truly genius. This incredible app handles nearly all the heavy lifting behind the scenes, allowing you to enjoy the benefits and huge reactions of propless mentalism without any of the difficult memorization work. A specially-designed Fallback Mode ensures that you can always perform with confidence as well.

With your purchase, you'll receive a special activation code and detailed instructions (both PDF and video). You'll also get a FREE bonus seminar, access to the private Facebook groups, and the ability to join any video brainstorming sessions with Christian that may happen in the future.

This isn't a game-changer. It's the end of the game. Christian f–-ing won.” Mark Elsdon

“Enigma is a revolution. This is not just an insane piece of mentalism- but a tool that we will all be using for years to come” Dan White

"Christian Grace is in my opinion one of the greatest magic thinkers alive today. Enigma > perfectly proves that. I have not felt true astonishment in such a long time. Enigma made me feel that again." Mark Calabrese

Harness the power of "real" mindreading. Join the “Enigma” revolution today

”Enigma” FAQ

Is "Enigma" just progressive anagram generator?
No. In fact, it has nothing to do with anagrams at all.

Is it really ANY word?
The word they choose must be a "thing"—whether it's a natural thing, man-made thing, animal, country or really any physical thing. So, while they technically can't choose any word, the restrictions are truly minimal. As you can see in the full performance, the scripting also casually guides them toward a "thing" without feeling restrictive at all. They will walk away believing they really could have chosen any word. Even better, in the extremely rare cases where someone picks a word that doesn't work with the core system, a specially-designed Fallback Mode allows you to seamlessly pivot to an equally-impressive alternate ending where you reveal that you predicted their chosen word ahead of time.

Are there language restrictions?
"Enigma" is currently available in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, and Portuguese (Brazilian).

Is this just an electronic version of “20 Questions”?
No. Your helper is actually silent while most of the method happens. The moments where you're obtaining the secret information you need are so quick, discreet and well-scripted, your helper won't even realize they're happening. This is a big reason why "Enigma" has stunned so many seasoned magicians (and, of course, lay audiences).

What is the difficulty level?
"Enigma" can be learned by magicians of any skill level. There is no technical skill required. The app not only handles most of the "thinking" for you, but Christian even gives you the perfect scripting. To ensure the biggest reactions though, you'll want to walk through the entire routine from start to finish until you are comfortable enough to perform it in a relaxed way that feels very "conversational".

What is the benefit over analog peek methods (i.e. center tear)?
When performed correctly, "Enigma" feels like genuine mind reading. It's perfectly structured in a way that completely eliminates any possible connection between the method and the effect. Your audience stands no chance of backtracking to the method, unlike center tears or peek wallets which always run the risk of them remembering later that they wrote something down.

Is "Enigma" user-friendly?
Yes! Very clear step by step instructions are provided alongside over 3 hours of video tutorials to ensure you can perform "Enigma" confidently. The app itself is easy to use and very intuitive once you understand the basic concept—even if you don't consider yourself to be an "app magician". If you ever have any questions, the private FB group is also filled with magicians (including Christian himself) that can help you.

Is there any memory work involved?
No heavy memory work is required. If you can remember a 4 digit number, then you can perform "Enigma".

How long does a typical performance take?
"Enigma" can be easily adjusted to fit your performance style. You can perform it as a punchy and impactful 2 to 3-minute routine, or you can flesh it out into a more theatrical longer routine.

Do you need an internet connection?
No. "Enigma" still works even if you don’t have internet available.

Are there performance restrictions?
You'll want to choose a participant that is comfortable with spelling. A quick guide for choosing the right person is highlighted in the tutorial. In the rare cases that something does go wrong though, you won't have to fear because the Fallback Mode will ensure the routine always comes to a positive conclusion.

You will be emailed a unique access code in a separate email after completing your purchase. If you don't see it, please check your spam/promotions folder. Please also note that broadcast and TV rights are not included with your purchase. If you'd like to request permission, please contact us.

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Customer reviews for Enigma






Oh Lordy. This is brilliant. So much care and thought went into making this possible.
A real masterpiece



Great info so far.



Enigma is a really cool magic app. Some of my magic friends told me about this app and said I would not be disappointed and boy were they right. It did take me some time to get used to and understand all the features but I'm very pleased.



Enigma is AMAZING. It's way more powerful than you can imagine. It IS a quite a bit to learn BUT, you can start performing some of the possibilities right away (depending on your confidence). Probably be learning for a long time, but if you enjoy the art of magic/mentalism, you can't go wrong here.

I suggest meeting up with a few friends who also have purchased this and get into group mind as it has really enhanced my thinking about the whole thing.

I should mention - I absolutely LOATH app tricks. But this completely gets around that with the suggested handling and usage.

Overall, well worth the investment.

But don't buy it so that only me and my cool friends can be the select few to perform these miracles! (the above statement is sarcasm toned for the tone deaf)


Community questions about Enigma

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • jay asks: The FAQ mentioned a " helper" can I not perform this alone?

    • 1. Jameson answers: No, from the Enigma - How It Works video (extremely helpful) the “helper” is the device that helps you get the information needed to “peek” the word.
    • 2. Samuel answers: I believe, from the context, that this is the spectator whose mind you are "reading."
    • 3. Jameson answers: Never mind, misread the sentence in the ad copy. Video’s still worth watching though!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Meik asks: ... and again, it's just for IPhone users. Any plans to convert to Android? There are few hundred million of Android user too!

    • 1. Meik answers: my bad. The drop down did not show for reasons unknown. Never mind. All good!
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  • Alexander asks: Will it come in other languages (e.g. Swedish) at some point? Or is it possible to translate?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: New languages are being added all the time! Keep your eyes peeled.
    • 2. Christian Grace (creator) responds: Swedish is already complete and available
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: New languages are being added all the time! Keep your eyes peeled.
  • Benjamin asks: I live in Norway. Will there be an Norwegian ???? version?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Maybe one day!
  • Alvaro asks: Could this be performed over the phone?

    • 1. Nick answers: If you look at the trailer, he shows it being done over the phone.
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  • Robert asks: Does the preformer have to be a good speller?

    • 1. JOSEPH answers: It is ideal that the participant can spell the word that they're thinking of. In performance, you ask them if it's a word that they can comfortably spell. In the event that they still end up misspelling the word, there are methods to easily circumvent this issue.
    • 2. Christian Grace (creator) responds: No, I’m terrible at spelling. It only relies on the spectator being comfortable spelling their thought of word so it’s a simple question of asking them in the performance. Hope this helps
    • 1. JOSEPH answers: It is ideal that the participant can spell the word that they're thinking of. In performance, you ask them if it's a word that they can comfortably spell. In the event that they still end up misspelling the word, there are methods to easily circumvent this issue.
    • 3. Steve answers: It says, "You'll want to choose a participant that is comfortable with spelling. A quick guide for choosing the right person is highlighted in the tutorial. In the rare cases that something does go wrong though, you won't have to fear because the Fallback Mode will ensure the routine always comes to a positive conclusion."
  • Michael asks: In the "full performance" video, was there anything that happened before the video started playing that we didn't see or is that a truly FULL performance with nothing left out? Thank you?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a full performance. There are several dotted around the internet now, so you can see it works the same way.
  • Philip asks: As we know this is App based and you heed a code to make use of it (which is gained by buying this) can we see what the app looks like ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Please contact us at wizards@vanishingincmagic.com and we can discuss your request in more detail
  • Philip asks: As we know this is App based and you heed a code to make use of it (which is gained by buying this) can we see what the app looks like ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Please contact us at wizards@vanishingincmagic.com and we can discuss your request in more detail
  • Steven asks: Apps always scare me. Once I bought it, I find I got the “paper” version and the silver, gold, titanium, diamond are additional cost. Frequently not insubstantial. Likewise “optional” subscriptions. Should I plan on additional charges?

    • 1. Jim answers: I have not heard of any subscription plans or additional costs.
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  • Julie asks: I'd like to hear this answer from the Vanishing Inc Wizards...are there any subscription plans, upgraded versions, or additional costs involved?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are no additional costs. No pro upgrades. No subscriptions. You get everything.
    • 2. Christian Grace (creator) responds: You receive everything you need to perform enigma as advertised. Enigma pro is planned as an optional add on down the road.
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are no additional costs. No pro upgrades. No subscriptions. You get everything.
  • Robert asks: My question is does the magician as the performer have to be a good speller not the person that is picked.

    • 1. Christian Grace (creator) responds: No, the performer doesn’t have to be a good speller. It’s the participant that needs to feel comfortable that they can spell the word they think of
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It does rely on spelling so you’d want to be a good speller.
    • 1. Christian Grace (creator) responds: No, the performer doesn’t have to be a good speller. It’s the participant that needs to feel comfortable that they can spell the word they think of
  • Adam asks: Can this be repeated for the same audience without tipping the method?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It’s possible but not recommend, like with most tricks.
    • 2. Christian Grace (creator) responds: Yes there are several modes in the app all with a completely different feel and presentation. I’ve performed it to the same group twice without any issues. It’s a question of just using different spectators each time
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It’s possible but not recommend, like with most tricks.
  • Noam asks: Is there a plan to release it in Hebrew?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Christian is constantly adding new languages, so keep your eyes peeled!
  • Craig asks: Do you need a "smart" phone to do this or, for that matter, is a phone needed at all? Can this be done without a phone?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, you do need an iOS or Android phone as this is an app. There are some instances and some choices that—after practise—you can get to without the app, but you will need a smart phone.
  • Markus asks: I use a different iPhone when I'm performing. Before I activate the app I need to know: Do I have to decide on one on my iPhones or does the app run on two/muliple phones?

    • 1. Jim answers: I asked, and this is the response: the license code will only activate on one device. It is essential that the user registers on the device that they will perform with.
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  • Alexander asks: I'm a little confused regarding one of Christians performances I've e´seen on youtube, where he shows the effect only by writing the thought word on a sheet of paper without ever touching his phone or any kind of device. Is this also a way we will learn to perform Enigma, or are we tied to a version where we always have to use our phones? I'm asking because the version where he writes the word simply on a notepad is definitely more impressive then using a phone.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you listen to the podcast we recorded with Christian, he discusses how people can do it without the phone. https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/blog/the-insider-christian-grace-two The tl;dr is after a lot of practise and familiarity with the system, there are many words that you can divine without having to go to the app. HTH.
    • 2. Christian Grace (creator) responds: Hello, If you’re talking about minds convention or ever the zoom performances. I am using my phone. There are different modes (passcode/voice input/binary input etc) different ways of inputting and peeking information
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you listen to the podcast we recorded with Christian, he discusses how people can do it without the phone. https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/blog/the-insider-christian-grace-two The tl;dr is after a lot of practise and familiarity with the system, there are many words that you can divine without having to go to the app. HTH.
    • 3. Christian Grace (creator) responds: For completion sake I would also like to add that in the routine “bring me something” I am able to diving the object without the phone in a majority of cases nowadays. The phone is always there as a backup regardless
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you listen to the podcast we recorded with Christian, he discusses how people can do it without the phone. https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/blog/the-insider-christian-grace-two The tl;dr is after a lot of practise and familiarity with the system, there are many words that you can divine without having to go to the app. HTH.
    • 2. Christian Grace (creator) responds: Hello, If you’re talking about minds convention or ever the zoom performances. I am using my phone. There are different modes (passcode/voice input/binary input etc) different ways of inputting and peeking information
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you listen to the podcast we recorded with Christian, he discusses how people can do it without the phone. https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/blog/the-insider-christian-grace-two The tl;dr is after a lot of practise and familiarity with the system, there are many words that you can divine without having to go to the app. HTH.
  • Zuhair asks: If i change my phone in the future will i be getting a new access code to use on the new phone?

    • 1. Jim answers: Contact customer service at that time—they will be able to reset your license.
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  • Joseph asks: Would you have to use the same presentation as Christian does it in the full performance video? Like would you have to have them spell out their word in order to perform the trick?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes.
  • Gary asks: Will future Apple updates jeopardize the effectiveness of the trick in the future? Is the purchasing consumer protected in any way,

    • 1. Jim answers: The creator, and his developer, have been supporting their app very well. They have already released updates that have improved the app's compatibility. It looks like they are in this for the longterm.
    • 2. Gary answers: Thanks for the reply. I had read you need an IPhone 15. Is this correct?
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  • Dan asks: Does Enigma require an Iphone 15? I have Iphone 14. (I just read the last post and it seems IPhone 15 is required)

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: As long as your phone has iOS 15 or above, you'll be able to use the app.
  • Mohobubul asks: Is it working smoothly on latest android devices such as Samsung Galaxy s22 ultra and above?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This App runs fine on Android devices
  • Gerard asks: In the performance details, does Christian cover methods of securing the second vowel without obvious pumping or clumsy fumbling?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes he does
  • Alexander asks: I understand that the app can only be used one phone. How can I continue using the app if change my phone (e.g. because the "old one" does not work anymore)?

    • 1. Jim answers: Contact support, and ask for your license to be reset.
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  • Robert asks: I would love to now if the app comes out in Danish soon. I know that your answer might be to hold my eyes peeled but I can see that you answered another customer that the app is out in Swedish even if it doesn't say so on the website. so I just wanted to check-in

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: At the moment we have no information about new languages coming
  • Michael asks: Nice effect but I have a concern of only having a code issued...and only usable on the particular phone that is used to purchase the app. Does Christian make provision for persons that upgrade to a different phone? For instance, I own an iPhone 13 Pro Max but I'll be buying a new iPhone 16 when it come out. Can a new code be provided and the older code be removed by Christian? Similar question for a lost or stolen phone? Can Christian void out or remove the current code...and provide a new code when the replacement phone has been purchased. Same question for a damaged phone that cannot be repaired. Thanks in advance for the expected answers to my above questions. Mike

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Hey, if you are changing from Apple to Apple or Android to Android you can request a new code if you are changing from Apple to Android or vice versa you would need to purchase this again
  • Scott asks: Will all features work on an iPhone SE so long as it is using iOS 15 or above?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • Noam asks: Have a Hebrew?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at the moment
  • Hamad asks: Dose it support arabic language available??

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at the moment
  • Robin asks: How long does the download and install take? I followed the instructions for installing on my Samsung s23+, including entering the numeric password you sent me. 15 minutes later, the install wheel is still spinning. I have a good internet connection - no app has ever taken more than a few seconds to download and install. Is this long delay normal for installying this app?

    • 1. Robin answers: Never mind - I stopped the download, restarted it, then clicked on "Open in app" in the "..." menu which took me to the standard download page, which worked just fine.
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