Magic Books - page 17

Self Working Number Magic Book
Self Working Number Magic
Book by Karl Fulves - 9.95

101 Foolproof Tricks Numbers pervade nearly every aspect of our daily lives: telephone numbers, zip codes, Social Security numbers, driver's...

Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing Book
Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing
Book by Meir Yedid Magic - 30.00

If you ever wanted to learn how to deal the second card in the deck while making it look like you are dealing the top card--this is your best...

Simply Simon Book
Simply Simon
Book by Simon Aronson - 60.00

Simon’s biggest book to date, exploring classic themes such as the Birthday diary (with the full year Calendar Card), a hefty chapter on the...

Sach's Sleight Of Hand Book
Sach's Sleight Of Hand
Book by Edwin Sachs - 24.95

A Practical Manual of Legerdemain for Amateurs and Others...Let's say you are at a dinner party and are invited to do a trick. You have no apparatus...

Small But Deadly Book
Small But Deadly
Book by Paul Hallas - 35.00

This book is the ultimate consumer's guide to packet tricks. As such, it can save you both time and money. It will point you in the direction of some...

Son of Simon Says Book
Son of Simon Says
Book by Simon Lovell - 45.00

Well, here we all are again, chaps and chapesses! Just when you thought it was safe to sneak back into your local magic emporium, another Lovell tome...

St. George's Hall Book
St. George's Hall
Book by Mike Caveney - 85.00

During the first third of the 20th century, London was generally recognized as being the focal point of the magic world. It could be argued that St....

Stanyon's Magic Book
Stanyon's Magic
Book by Ellis Stanyon - 125.00

One of the most influential and fully-packed magic periodicals NOW in One Complete Hardbound Volume, All 177 Issues. Stanyon's Magic contains...

TeleShock Book
Book by Nefesch - 25.00

Let's say you are visiting the home of friends or relatives. You tell them that you would like to demonstrate a powerful telekinesis skill that you...

Thayer Quality Magic Volume 2 Book
Thayer Quality Magic Volume 2
Book by Glenn Gravatt - 30.00

Catalog Instruction Sheets "Volume 2 of this Thayer Quality Magic Instructions Sheets series has selected magic in sixteen categories from several of...

Thayer Quality Magic Volume 3 Book
Thayer Quality Magic Volume 3
Book by Glenn Gravatt - 30.00

Catalog Instruction Sheets "Volume Three of the Thayer Quality Magic Instruction Sheets brings you over 200 more explanations of magic sold by the...

The Event Magician Book
The Event Magician
Book by JC Sum - 18.00

THE EVENT MAGICIAN VOL. 1: DESIGNING A STAGE SHOW FOR SPECIAL EVENTS The Event Magician is an updated & expanded new release of J C Sum's...

The Indescribable Phenomenon Book
The Indescribable Phenomenon
Book by Barry Wiley - 65.00

She was one of the most famous and successful mediums and mentalists of the twentieth century. She fooled the best minds of her time. She was, in the...

The Show Doctor Book
The Show Doctor
Book by Jeff McBride - 34.99

The Show Doctor is the first full-length book of magic from Jeff McBride, one of the great magicians of our time. The Show Doctor includes: Eleven of...

True Mysteries 2 Book
True Mysteries 2
Book by Fraser Parker - 56.85

True Mysteries 2 is the sequel to the groundbreaking and highly acclaimed first True Mysteries book and DVD by Fraser Parker. In this book you will...

Urban Illusions Book
Urban Illusions
Book by JC Sum - 90.00

Urban Illusions is a stunning collection of professional illusion designs from one of the most prolific illusion designers in the world! Besides...

Way Out Book
Way Out
Book by Marc Oberon - 35.00

Marc Oberon's Way Out is a versatile utility item that enables a single, folded piece of plain paper to contain the outs for anything up to twelve...

Z6 (Book Only) Book
Z6 (Book Only)
Book by Wayne Dobson - 16.00

This booklet includes six fantastic routines hatched from Wayne Dobson's slightly Z wallet obsessed brain. Wayne has come up with a host of effects...

Book Worm Samuel Patrick Smith Book
Book Worm Samuel Patrick Smith
Book by Samuel Patrick Smith - 45.00

WOW! Check out this fantastic upgrade of one of our most popular items!The NEW Book Worm is printed in beautiful colors on heavy, high-gloss boards....

Bruce Cervon Hard Boiled Mysteries Book
Bruce Cervon Hard Boiled Mysteries
Book by Bruce Cervon - 39.95

52 prized effects! Including - The Twenty-Five Dollar Aces Trick, Aces out-jogged in the deck transpose separately, with indifferent cards, the last...

Card Manipulations Book
Card Manipulations
Book by Jean Hugard - 11.95

Illustrated Directions On How To Do Over 165 Card Tricks and StuntsTo the magician and to most audiences, card manipulations are the most fascinating...

13 Steps to Mentalism PLUS Encyclopedia of Mentalism and Mentalists Book
13 Steps to Mentalism PLUS Encyclopedia of Mentalism and Mentalists
Book by Zanadu - 34.50

13 Steps to Mentalism by Corinda is produced in large print in this substantial tome. This Encyclopedia contains nearly 600 pages of must-have...

20 Tips for Seance Workers Book
20 Tips for Seance Workers
Book by Thomas Baxter - 25.00

In 20 Tips for Séance Workers Canada's Master of Psychological Mysteries shares some of the secrets he has gleaned in over 30 years of presenting...

Adventures of 51 Magicians Book
Adventures of 51 Magicians
Book by Angel Idigoras - 45.00

Did the magician Cazeneuve and the Queen of Madagascar have an affair? Was there a ghost living in the house of the Fox Sisters? Did he pay his rent...

Anatomy of Misdirection Book
Anatomy of Misdirection
Book by Joseph Bruno - 25.00

The Anatomy of Misdirection divides the art of misdirection into fifteen basic principles. The principles are presented in an easy to read manner,...

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Top Selling Magic Books

Allan Ackerman: All In
30 years in the making, the best material from a card magic...
Neon Dreams
For the first time, the captivating story of how Las Vegas became the magic capital of...
Topping the Deck: The Perfect Move
A comprehensive exploration of one of...
Talk About Tricks: The Complete File
12 years. 144 columns. 868 tricks. For...
The Boy Who Cried Magic
"The Boy Who Cried Magic is a perfect magic book,...
Distilled (Ryan Plunkett)
Ryan Plunkett's Distilled is a handsome, 200-page volume of...
The Darkest Corners
A complete sellout at Magifest, The Session and Blackpool,...
Parlour Tricks
“Morgan and West are that rare thing, utterly unique, enormously entertaining and...
Magic Mail
Magic Mail is the perfect gift for a young person in your life, whether or not they have...
Singapore's Harapan Ong has caused an online sensation with his technical abilities....
Pure Imagination (Book)
Scott Robinson creates some of the most interesting visual...
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