MagicStars Weekend Scholarships

The concept is simple: EVERY serious young magician should be able to attend MagicStars. That's why the price is just $100 per family. However, we are also offering scholarships to attend FOR FREE. Here's how it works:

• If you donate a show to a good cause (hospital, church, synagogue, school, retirement home, etc.) we'll give you a scholarship to come to MagicStars for FREE!

• You must provide two forms of documentation for the show (such as photographic evidence of you performing, a contract or thank-you on the charity's stationary, a flyer for your performance, etc.).

• If you're accepted, you'll receive email notification that will allow you and one parent to attend MagicStars for FREE.

• Please note that the donated show must be entirely free, and it must take place before April 1st.

• You must be under 18 before June 5th to apply.

Email your application to us at

MagicStars will have the power to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and your magic career. Please don't miss the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in our craft.

Young magicians Magic Stars girls