Siamese Twins

Magic download (video) by Bill Goodwin
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Siamese Twins

18.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Bill Goodwin (18.00)

For the first time ever on video, Bill teaches a flawless version of a classic in magic, Card Warp. Siamese Twins is done completely at the fingertips and with only a single card, Siamese Twins is a beautiful illusion that is sure to amaze any audience.


Customer reviews for Siamese Twins



Bill Goodwin’s Siamese Twins is awesome and priced at $18.00. I was able to snag it for $9 during a sale. It Is an absolute steal from the quality it delivers. The video download introduces a flawless rendition of the classic Card Warp and it is captivating.

It is simple and elegant. Bill Goodwin’s expert guidance allows you to perform this illusion with just a single card right at your fingertips. It is visually stunning and it does not just work well on video but it is equally convincing when performed live which makes it a valuable addition to your magic.

Siamese Twin is convincing. It is not just a camera trick. It is practical and leaves your audience in awe during real-life performances. Its rooted in the classic Card Warp and adds an extra layer of timeless appeal to this effect.

The download was $9 and is a deal. Given the quality of magic it impacts, it is captivating and impressive - making it well worth the investment suitable for both experienced and newcomers to card magic. It still requires practice and time and dedication.

It is also just fun to watch Bill Goodwin perform this effect!



I have always enjoyed Card Warp and to come across a single card presentation, it was an immediate ADD TO CART moment. IMHO, this falls into the category of 'Hidden Gem'.
The teaching in this is well organized and shared in a very easy paced manner, with professional video quality showing both performer view and spectator view. To follow along with card in hand is not going to be an issue. Crediting is given to those that have come before with this plot.
It will take me some time to perfect this pocket illusion, but it is one I will enjoy practicing; (I can only practice the pick a card or card controls for so long, but I too want some eye candy to watch in the mirror and my face does not fall into that category!)
I hope to give this a home in my packet wallet next to my Larry Jenning's Close Up Illusion.



A very good video production, great camera angles covering all the moves on this tutorial, by using just one playing card, this is a very powerfull peice of card magic, this routine includes alternative handaling, with a killer finish, with one half is completely reversed, then the final tear, he also gives credit and explaines the history off this routine too.
This is followed by a full performance, as in the add.
This is another awesome peice of card magic by bill goodwin.



A nice and simple yet visually good card trick. More of an intermediate level and anyone with some decent skills and experience should nail this in a couple of hours at most. A good wallet trick for those occasions when someone asks you for an impromptu performance.

a tip - keep you court cards for when you want to perform and then practice with your spot cards



This is a very nice handling of Card Ward with a single card. Not overly demanding and it has some nice visual moments.The instructional video is very well done.



A very visual, 3-phase, single card version of card warp. Bruce Cervon’s version with the dollar bill is the best single card version but Bill Goodwin’s version is a very close 2nd and I highly recommend it.



Bill's version of the warped card is a great single card handling that looks clean and plays big with an audience. A little of practice and you will be on your way.

VI Monthly


You really have to try this in front of the mirror to understand how simple and powerful this is. This is so good that can be used as a strong opener or as closer!



Bill provides a fantastic explanation of the effect, including a brief overview of the history behind it.



The effect of this trick is turning the card inside out while it's folded. This trick is a routine that contains 3 phrases. The first phase is like an introduction of what are you going to do. The second phase is very visual. And the third phase is the climax ending.

The explanation takes about half an hour. He teaches all phases very clearly with lots of detail - from what kind of card you should choose, to many and many alternate handlings.

This effect doesn't need any gimmick, just a normal card with a little preparation that you could do it easily with few seconds. Note that you will lose one card each time for doing the trick. (And you have to use court card, so a deck of cards will give you 20 times to perform)

This trick is rather difficult in the way of handling. You have to practice this effect until you get used to it and it become natural. I suggest this for an intermediate-advance level.



Most of us are familiar with Roy Walton's Cardwarp (using 2 cards) which derives from an effect by Jeff Busby. Bill Goodwin took it further and develops it to an effect that uses only 1 card.

This is a very beautiful effect in the hands of Bill Goodwin. The change is visual and magical. There are no gimmicks involved though you have to prepare the cards in advance. Preparation is very easy and takes less than 30 seconds.

This effect was named Siamese Twins due to the patter he used. Court cards are used though you can use spot cards too; youll just need to change your patter. After going through the moves, there is another Rehearsal segment which will go through the whole handling in a faster pace. This is useful for those that has already mastered the basic moves and wants to go through the whole routine. Bonus handlings are also taught.

I was very impressed with the way the instructions are being presented. The instructions are clear and concise without any fill ins. Bill Goodwin has also given all the necessary credits which I believe has got all credits covered. I must say that he is very thorough in his crediting. I hope this Collection will be used as a benchmark for producing Collections in the future.

Good visual magic that you can perform anywhere.


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