We’re celebrating Vanishing Inc.’s 15th with our best deal ever! All active Masterclass subscribers will get streaming access to our unprecedented catalog of Masterclass lectures.
That’s 250+ hours of lectures offered in addition to the current lecturer and Q&A for that month. A lifetime’s worth of magic for one incredibly low price!
Learn new tricks, consider new magic theory, and ask the lecturer questions in our monthly Q&A.
Vanishing Inc. Masterclass is the best way to get inspired and perform better magic. And new subscribers can try it all for $1.
After your trial, the monthly subscription is $50.00 and automatically renews each month until cancelled.
Each month’s lecture will teach you new tricks. Lots of new tricks. Plus listen to different experts’ views and thoughts on theory to really get your mind ticking over.
Get full streaming access to every* Masterclass lecture. This is over 200 hours of incredible, exclusive material you're going to love.
Our Q&A gives you access to magicians no one else does. Ask your heroes about any aspect of magic you want and get answers!
Every month we have a guest lecturer giving two 1.5 hour lectures and a Q&A. This month, learn from the incredible Piff The Magic Dragon.
Lecture dates: Lecture 1: 2nd February | Lecture 2: 9th February
"This is exactly what a 'master class' should be."
"That was one of the best lectures on sleight of hand I have ever seen."
"This is the best value in magic, period. I get my monthly inspiration from Masterclass and I love it."
We'll always keep you updated with the upcoming lecturers. Here's who you'll learn from over the coming months, each with 3 hours of lectures and a Q&A:
January 2025
February 2025
Stream every Masterclass as part of your subscription. Or previous Vanishing Inc. Masterclass sessions are available to purchase below
View Masterclasses by Dani DaOrtiz, Guy Hollingworth, Danny Garcia, and more!