Color Monte trick

Trick by Emerson & West
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Color Monte trick

6.70 usd

Trick by Emerson & West (6.70)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

The magician displays three cards-one with a blue spot and two which have red spots. He explains that the cards are used to play a game of chance, the object being to keep track of the card with the blue spot. If you find the blue card you win a dollar, but if you`re wrong then you owe a dollar. He and the spectators will.

He goes on to relate how he was once taken by the game and shows how quickly he lost three dollars. Every time he thought he had the blue card it ended up being the red! Frustrated, he accused the man of not even having a blue card in his hands, but when it was shown on the bottom he lost another dollar! Trying to catch the hustler again, he stated that if the card was on the bottom it couldn`t possibly be on top, but was wrong again and lost another dollar! In a last ditch effort he guessed that it couldn`t be the center card, but once again lost another dollar! His running total was now up to six dollars. Continuing, the performer tells how he told the hustler that he thought more than three cards were being used, but was once again proven wrong and he lost another dollar! Being the gambler he is, he tried one more time, double or nothing. The hustler clearly showed one card with a red spot, a second card with a blue spot and stated all the magician had to do was guess the color of the third card. Red, right? Wrong again-the card isn`t red or blue, but a surprise card no one will expect!Comes complete with the three necessary cards printed on Bicycle stock and detailed instructions.


Customer reviews for Color Monte trick



This is one of my all time favorite packet tricks. I’ve been performing it for years and the time had finally come to replace the cards. The quality of the cards is just as good as they’ve always been. If you’ve never done this trick, you won’t be disappointed. It is a bunch of fun!



Inexpensive and easy to use with a little practice.
I always carry it.
Great patter and good audience response.
I've been using this for over 20 years



This is the real deal with the artwork from the original Jim Temple release. You can’t go wrong with this routine. There is a reason this has been around so long. Your audience will love it!



Note that there is an error in Step 6 of the instruction's patter section. As printed, it reads, "well, if it's not on the bottom, it sure can't be on top." It should read, "well, if it's on the bottom, it sure can't be on top."
This product is packaged with the instruction sheet sandwiched between the clear plastic sections of the included carrying wallet. This causes the printer toner to transfer to the clear plastic. A light rubbing with fine steel wool will remove the toner.
The cards I received were printed on red, Bicycle stock. The current printing process causes a faint outline of the diamond and $14 images to be visible on the backs of the cards, but after holding them in various lighting conditions, I have concluded that the outlines will rarely, if ever, be noticed by your audience.
I performed Color Monte every day during a summer season at a theme park. It's a 60 to 90 second, fun trick that I feel works well when performed at quick pace. As written, the trick is a "listen to this story" presentation without audience interaction. That is, at no point are you asking your audience to guess the location of the money card.
The instructions focus on a multiple pushover sleight, but a pinky pull-down and double turn-over were my preferences when performing this. These sleights will be very easy to learn with Color Monte since you are working with only three cards.



This is a classic. I had one back in the early 1980's and had to get another as the cards were getting old.


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  • Ernest asks: The picture shows these come as red Bicycles. Is that correct and are they poker size? Thanks.

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: I believed it's Red poker size Bicycle
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