Giant Princess Cards Meir Yedid

Trick by Meir Yedid Magic
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Giant Princess Cards Meir Yedid

65.00 usd

Trick by Meir Yedid Magic (65.00)

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Based on the original Henry Hardin routine, the "Princess Card Trick" has become one of the best selling card tricks in history. Mostly because it requires no technical skill, can be learned in minutes and leaves the audience completely fooled. This version is customized to bring the classic routine to larger audiences.

The routine starts with a spectator thinking of one of five giant cards (7"x11") displayed in a fan. You immediately remove one of the cards and place it under your arm. When the four-card fan is displayed again the thought-of card is no longer there, proving that it was the one you removed. The routine is immediately repeated with the same impossible results.

The Giant Princess Cards are suitable for small or large audiences. No sleight of hand. Instant reset. Comes complete with photo-illustrated instructions. Very easy to perform


Customer reviews for Giant Princess Cards Meir Yedid


Robert M.

Not recommended. Prior to performing the Princess Card effect, the Magi
must prepare the cards by cutting the cards with scissors, knife or paper
cutter. After cutting, the cut pieces are scotch taped to other cards.
If the cards are not cut or scotch taped correctly, the cards are ruined and
might as well be thrown away.


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