Impromptu Card Stab

Magic download (video) by Dani DaOrtiz
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Impromptu Card Stab

7.20 usd

Magic download (video) by Dani DaOrtiz (7.20)

In the first of a series of videos from GrupoKaps media, Dani DaOrtiz astounds with a seemingly impossible, impromptu Card Stab. Anytime, anywhere (though probably not anywhere), a card is shuffled into the pack and immediately found using only the blade of a knife. Learn some of Dani's psychological technique, as well as a the perfect trick for a "tough" room.

This explanation is in Spanish, but Closed Captioning is available within the Explanation.


Customer reviews for Impromptu Card Stab



You gotta love Dani! He presents everything so casual and makes his performance seem effortless. It motivates me to learn his routines because of his presentation and psychology . I always am happy with his material and this is no exception



The tutorial is quick and short. It's classic Dani. I have purchased alot of his material and most of them I have enjoyed performing. The routine is pretty simple and I have not gotten around to doing this. It's not my style but it's good routine. Make sure to have a good blade though.



This a practical and fun impromptu version of the card stab plot, ideal for an informal performance. I love it!



This is a short but very strong effect, which can be done where ever you are, impromptu with almost no preparation, with a borrowed deck if you want... And it will pay big because of the knife and suspense which is built into the routine. Dani DaOrtiz gives a clear explanation and everybody can learn it easily. Be careful with the knife though, because you do need a real pointed knife to execute the stab. For rehearsals you will need some old cards too, but I think the effect is well worth it.
I am not a great card worker but I already feel the pleasure I will have performing this effect. THANK YOU Dani DaOrtiz


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