Napkin Trilogy

Magic download (video) by John Carney
4.7 | 7 reviews
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Napkin Trilogy

8.40 usd

Magic download (video) by John Carney (8.40)

Napkin Trilogy consists of three different effects: Predictable Surprise, Straggler and Final Trace. In this tutorial, master close-up magician John Carney walks you through all the necessary steps with a strong emphasis on misdirection and presentation. 


Customer reviews for Napkin Trilogy





As far as I’m concerned, anything by John Carney is absolute gold. I own his “Carneycopia” and to watch him perform three of his effects is a treat. If you are interested in impromptu effects that are organic(like I am)then this is perfect for you. Highly recommended.



Very well thought the way they flow so naturally together. Mr. Carney's instruction in excellent.



This whole routine is an absolute gem for anyone working tables. The sleights alone although mostly basic are so professionally and elegantly strung together creating a visual and lasting effect for the audience. After a piece like this, the spectator feels delightfully fooled and entertained. Great job!



John Carney is a master performer. He studied with the greats. What other reasons do you need to pick this up? In this video, Carney strings together three effects from his book Carneycopia into a beautiful, cohesive routine. He does an excellent job with instructions, and you really feel how much he wants you to learn why? not just how? Definitely study Carney, because he has great ideas and beautiful tips.



Its a very good routine and all the 3 "parts" could stand on their own. Love a trick that can be done in pretty much every situation (restaurant, bar, pub, home) and so on. John's teaching is fantastic as always. Just be aware: The actual teaching seems to be from an old VHS tape and not as good as the performance, but the quality is still good enough.



As I said in the title, I love John Carney's work but i did find that this involved a bunch of advanced moves. The hashtags do indicate some palming but I expected the routine to be easier than what it is. Still a great routine though.


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