
DVD by Nicholas Lawrence
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DVD by Nicholas Lawrence (29.95)

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Canic - magic
Canic Canic Canic

We at Vanishing Inc. understand the impact of quick, to the point, and visually clean effects like Canic by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMind.  This is one of those visually clear effects which allow your spectators to simply watch as your magic happens with an everyday object; making it that much more magical.

Imagine grabbing any unprepared soda can off anyone and then ripping the tab off. You place the tab on your spectator's open palm, take the can, and tap it to the sitting tab in your spectator's hand. The tab instantly seals back on the can.

Canic is a brilliant situational miracle. Whether you want to leave a long lasting impression for your clients, impress the press at an interview, or simply perform it at a party or picnic to make a few friends; you have to try Canic to know how powerful it is.


Customer reviews for Canic



I did this for my wife and son at a restaurant and they loved it. You all know how hard family can be on seeing tricks. What got them was how impromptu it was.

The waitress asked to see it, and ended up giving us a free dessert. How cool is that!!!



I did this at a company lunch and it really went over big time. Everyone is talking about it now. I know I'm going to get asked to do it again at the company picnic. Hehehe

Canic really is attention grabbing magic because everyone was wondering what I was doing with this can.


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