Yohei’s CCC

Magic download (video) by Yu Huihang
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Yohei’s CCC

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Yu Huihang (12.00)

“Yohei’s CCC” is a multi-phase “Charming Chinese Challenge” routine from innovative Singapore Magician Yu Huihang. This routine has been carefully structured to NOT require an extra coin and make the spectator feel as involved as they possibly can—ultimately increasing the impossibility of each phase.

While this is a great standalone effect, you’ll also learn an amazing BONUS change that allows you to end the routine by visually changing the chinese coins into any other coins with pure sleight of hand. This is the perfect way to transition into any of your other favorite coin tricks, including the many amazing effects that you can get now for 70% off as part of the “Yu Huihang Download Bundle”.

Runtime: 10 minutes 16 seconds

NOTE: Download only. You must provide your own “Charming Chinese Challenge” set.


Customer reviews for Yohei’s CCC



This is a different approach to the classic CCC plot, actually using only three coins, which might be suitable for walkaround situations. If you are into CCC, I think that this is an interesting concept and you might add some of it to your routine. The ending taught is also interesting.



Great routine, love it I'm a massive fan of CCC and love collecting different thoughts on it can't wait to get this one smooth and put it in to my CCC routine.



Very stunning a high-flying artist.
given the idea the price is not even debatable.
David Jade




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