Coin Melody

Magic download (video) by Troy Hooser
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Coin Melody

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Troy Hooser (12.00)

To commemorate the release of Troy Hooser's two-book set, we're now releasing an unpublished effect via instant download: Coin Melody. This is not a coin trick, but instead a ROUTINE with a stunning beginning, middle and end. This routine will make you want to follow along instantly, and we encourage you to do so. It's a "soft" routine that requires a light touch, but no fussy moves or palms.

Note: requires a shell coin, which we sell in many currencies.

Running time: 14 minutes, 28 seconds.


Customer reviews for Coin Melody


Laura Bautista

It's a super clean sequence of coin productions, vanishings and transpositions. A triple somersault to the classic coin routines that is super dynamic and clean. It is a joy to see how the coins seem to dance in his hands and during the explanation it will even seem easy to repeat!







This is definitely an amazing routine. Although, it's not the kind that I feel like performing, I still believe that it is worth studying to learn the moves anf get some practice, before trying to build a routine of my own.



Great !!!



This was great



Excellent teaching,definitely 5 stars



I just ordered four coins and a shell, and I'm really excited to try out this routine. I know it will take a lot of work, but I think it will be a good challenge. It think I really should be able to do a stand-up coins across, and this is probably one of the best to learn. No moves are too difficult, and practicing the routine itself will be the key. Thanks!



This is a really great coin routine you can add on to the end of a 3 fly. It's shot well and easy to understand. I enjoyed watching the download any coin magician should buy this because it is good. Thanks vi

VI Monthly






Ok. I’ve been a huge fan of Troy since reading his books DESTROYERS and MOMENTS by Joshua Jay……his methodology is simple, yet diabolical. The sleights are simple in concept, but not in execution. Troy uses misdirection like a maestro. And for those magicians scared of not being able to execute a particular sleight, don’t be. Troy teaches you in such a calm and precise demeanor that, like a Jedi, he completely disarms the magician with his natural presence and confidence that, if used appropriately, will completely baffle your audience. And also, without sounding too grandiose, make any audience watching you perform in either close up or parlor setting believe they are in the presence of a true wizard. Like I said, I’m already a fan of Troy’s work thanks to Joshua. But actually getting the opportunity of watching him work on video is a true treat. Along with the COIN MELODY download, I also recommend picking up his CHARMING CHINESE CHALLENGE. Bottom line: Troy’s work with coins is up there with David Roth, Giacomo Bertini, and Geoff Latta. Troy is a true gem! Read his work….watch his work….live his work.

VI Monthly


Very good. Quick, easy, concise and entertaining. I can't wait to use it.








This is a well explained routine; Troy has done very well showing the moves with the video. I feel I can do this with a fair amount of practice. I give it five stars



Real worker and smooth as silk.





Amazing. Great routine. Just what you would expect from Troy.



There is good news and bad news for this effect. The good news is it's an excellent effect that is well within the grasp of the intermediate coin handler. Since the effect is performed chest height you can perform for 2 or 200. I also like how it is performed with "barebones" patter allowing the magician to tailor the presentation to suit his or her needs. I have had the privilege of meeting Mr. Hooser, and watch him perform what looks like real magic. Now the bad news: To quote Mr Josh Jay, "Everything looks better in Troy's hands." Mr. Hooser has a softness to his magic that will take quite some time to develop. At the risk of being cliché, the softness is the real secret to Mr. Hooser's magic. Give this effect the respect it deserves, and learn it thoroughly. You will then have an elegant piece of magic you can carry with you wherever you go. Personally I hope no one else learns this effect so I can have it all to myself.



A little beyond my skill level this. If you consider yourself to be an intermediate level coin magician, you'll be fine. You'll need to be good with both hands and multiple coins (obviously) so if you're comfy with that sort of thing you'll enjoy learning this.
Beginners can always benefit from having something to aim for so I enjoyed seeing what is possible once I get some practice in. I'm also a firm believer that there will always be something to learn and use from tutorials like this and in this case the simple little retention vanish caught my eye right away.
I conclusion then, a very good tutorial for a very good routine that sadly was a little out of my reach. But your mileage will vary.



Clever routine. Short and concise explanations of each phase. I particularly enjoyed the subtleties presented.



Excellent value for money in terms of standard of teaching and the magical effect produced by this routine. The sleights and moves are very clear and the instruction is excellent. The moves themselves are certainly intermediate to pull this off and takes quite a lot of practice to get it smooth and light. You wont be learning this in a day except if you have done a variation of this routine. The video quality is so-so, and could possibly do with a retake in HD. For the price this is gold. Get it!!



Troy Hooser has always been influential in the area of coin magic. This stand-up and chest height coin routine, something he became famous of, is very visual and fun. It is well thought of and combines the popular routines in the field of coins: Coin production, visual coins across, jumping coins from pocket, and vanishes. It takes time to get over some moves, but if you're an intermediate coin handler, you would absorb the routine immediately. Great work, Troy!


Community questions about Coin Melody

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  • Shaun asks: Quick question about this routine…… Which would be best….? - an ‘expanded shell’ or a ‘slippery expanded shell’

    • 1. Jim answers: Expanded.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Brian E asks: Is this attainable for someone new into coin magic? I understand the routine is intermediate but I'm familiar with some of the moves and would like to know if I should get this? Thanks

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This routine will require a lot of practice somebody new to coin magic but certainly reachable if you practice enough
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