Trick by SMagic Productions
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Trick by SMagic Productions (29.95)

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RETRIEVE - magic

RETRIEVE is an extraordinary and unusual effect! Incredible visual magic!

Your spectators won't believe their eyes!

From Smagic, we bring you a new and exciting concept in magic. With a TAP, you can make an object appear right in front of your spectator's eyes - instant and amazingly visual. This effect was created for walk around and professional magicians. Produce a card corner, a coin, a bill, candy, even a butterfly with no angles to worry about. Perform with confidence! You'll enjoy performing this as much as your spectators will love being mystified by it!

This is RETRIEVE - check it out!


Customer reviews for RETRIEVE



I had high hopes for this trick but it's a dud for me. Difficult to construct, definitely not examinable, and easy to spot the gimmick. Don't waste your time or money...



Video is so poorly done and effort required to assemble the gimmick made me decide to leave it in the box and put it in my oops tub of magic. This usually happens when I purchase without watching reviews which is what happened. Vanishing Inc should retrieve Retrieve off its site.



Poor video hard to understand major arts and crafts very dissatisfied with this and other s magic products will not purchase magic with the s magic label


Community questions about RETRIEVE

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Byron asks: Can I use a normal sharpie? Can it be examined?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The pen can be examined - you can use any pen, in fact.
  • Byron asks: Can the card box be examined? Many thanks, Byron

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The card box is heavily gimmicked. Examination is not suggested!
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