The Vault - Drop Down

Magic download (video) by Lyndon Jugalbot
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The Vault - Drop Down

10.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Lyndon Jugalbot (10.00)

Here's an amazing effect that YOU CAN DO!

Have your spectator sign a card, and place it near the top of the deck. The card visually is found an instant later towards the bottom of the deck! Uncanny! But it's not over yet - more magic to follow! Toss the deck across the table and the signed card now appears on the TOP of the deck!

  • Super visual.
  • Reversible Ambitious Card.
  • Easy to do.
  • Instant reset.
  • No magnet. No elastic.
  • One time DIY.

No complicated crafting works involved; can be done within 3 minutes. Download the PDF and video today!


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  • Jasper asks: Do you have to construct something?

    • 1. Bradley answers: Yes, but it is relatively easy to make and should only take a few minutes.
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