Why were only some of my items shipped?

To streamline our shipping process, we always do our best to make sure all items ship together. However, if any unexpected product delays (e.g. stock issues or technical glitches) occur, we may choose to ship the available portion of your order. Any outstanding products will then enter their own designated queue and be handled on a case-by-case basis. Once the issue has been resolved, they will be shipped to you separately at no extra cost.

If only part of your order is shipped, you will receive an automatic email. It may end up in your “spam” or “promotions” folder. Please check there before reaching out to us. If you don’t receive an email within 24 hours of your partial order being shipped, please contact our Support Wizards for more details.

Additionally, please also check to see if some of your items were instant magic downloads. These do not need to be shipped. They’ll be available immediately in your Vanishing Inc. account. Head to vanishingincmagic.com/account/downloads to see all your downloads, lectures and ebooks.