Magic by Christopher Taylor

Christopher Taylor - Live Lecture Live lecture
Christopher Taylor - Live Lecture
Live lecture by Christopher Taylor - 7.95

Many of the world's greatest mentalists and magicians have used Christopher's handiwork to achieve astonishing and impossible feats. Feats that have...

Pro Thumper Trick
Pro Thumper
Trick by Christopher Taylor - 271.00

The Pro Thumper is one of the greatest devices ever conceived for the working mentalist that has been carefully hand-constructed by Christopher...

The Path-Finder Billet Index System Trick
The Path-Finder Billet Index System
Trick by Christopher Taylor - 119.25

"The most innovative application of the pocket index in the past 20 years." - Neal Scryer The standard approach to billet indexes...

At The Table Live Christopher Taylor DVD
At The Table Live Christopher Taylor
DVD by Christopher Taylor - 9.95

Many of the world's greatest mentalists and magicians have used Christopher's handiwork to achieve astonishing and impossible feats. Feats that have...

Outside The Conventional DVD
Outside The Conventional
DVD by Christopher Taylor - 43.75

It's time to bring something different to the table!Outside the Conventional is the first DVD set from Inner Mind Productions that features a guest...