Voodoo Doll

Trick by Top Hat Productions
10.00 In stock - very few available.
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Voodoo Doll

10.00 usd

Trick by Top Hat Productions (10.00)

In stock - very few available.


The Magician shows a realistic looking voodoo doll. It is placed in the spectators hand to look at. It is just a little straw doll. When the magician lays the doll in his palm, it suddenly comes to life rising like a mummy out of a casket and stands up straight! Spectators will believe that an invisible force is making it rise up and down. The doll is completely under your control. No wires or threads.

A magical effect that you will always carry with you. 3" tall.


Customer reviews for Voodoo Doll



Two things I love about this effect is that's it's both fun and spooky! It's a great effect especially with halloween just around the corner but can be a great addition to any magic show!
Make your audience believe you're a real voodoo chile with this spooky voodoo doll!


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