Extreme Card Magic Volume 2
POKER DEALING ACES - Four Aces mysteriously vanish yet the performer, as he deals out a round of Poker, is able to make them reappear in any hand the spectator chooses.
UP UP AND AWAY - A spot card rises, one position at a time, right through a four-card packet to finally, and visibly, appear right on top!
ACES TO KINGS TRANSPO - The four Aces are placed reversed into the center of the deck. The four Kings, set aside earlier, suddenly change into Aces. When the deck is spread, the reversed cards are the Kings!
TRIUMPHANT TRIUMPH - A deck, shuffled face up into face-down, is magically righted except for one card - a previously-peeked selection. A great version of the Triumph plot - and it's all done in the hands!
A NEW MYTH (Joe Rindfleisch & Ken Krenzel) - The deck is divided into two halves and two spectators each peek at a card in a different half. The packets are mixed yet when the cards are dealt out, the two selections appear at exactly the same position in each. A wonderful new take on the classic Smith's Myth.