Open Prediction

Magic download (video) by Peter Turner and Pigcake

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Open Prediction

30.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Peter Turner and Pigcake (30.00)


"This has been the most important trick in my life, and I have an affection for it shared by no other."

  • Stuart James

The Open Prediction remains one of the most popular effects in close-up card magic. The participant shuffles a deck of cards and deals through them face-up ultimately dealing one facedown, sight unseen. That card matches a prediction set aside from before the trick was started.

This project shows you how to do that and much more!


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Community questions about Open Prediction

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  • Chadwick asks: Out of respect, at least spell Stewart James's name correctly in the ad copy.

    • 1. Josh answers: You mad bro?
    • 2. Simon answers: What is mad about his point? It's not Stuart, it's Stewart.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Robert asks: What‘s the running time?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Around 1 hour and 30 minutes
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