The Big Blind

Trick by Craig Petty
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3.4 | 5 reviews

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The Big Blind

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Trick by Craig Petty (49.95)

In stock.
The Big Blind - magic
The Big Blind The Big Blind The Big Blind The Big Blind The Big Blind The Big Blind

This incredible walkaround miracle from Craig Petty will earn a permanent spot in your pocket. You'll never want to leave home without "The Big Blind".

“ You can't get more direct. It's brilliant. Highly recommended!” Henry Harrius

Three poker chips are placed on the table as someone thinks of a playing card. You then place three bold bets, placing a chip into their hand for each one. First you bet on the suit, then on the value, and finally, you wager that you knew their card all along.

Their jaws will drop to the floor as you turn over each poker chip and reveal the exact name of their thought-of card is printed on the back.

This would be a strong enough trick if the card was forced. But the fact they can think of any card makes it as clean, direct, and powerful as you can get. It really is a pocket-sized miracle.

“Super innovative, super direct, and of course super satisfying to perform. Can't wait to put it into my set!” Kyle Purnell

  • Easy to do
  • No switches
  • No forces
  • They can think of any card
  • Perform it surrounded
  • Packs small, plays huge

"The Big Blind" comes with everything you need, including the high-quality poker chips and a two hour instructional video in which Craig Petty teaches you all the secrets and routines. He even sits down for a bonus creative jam session with Lloyd Barnes in which the duo discusses a ton of creative out-of-the-box ways to get more life out of "The Big Blind".

“A new take on a classic mentalism method that will fry people's mind! It's really clever and has so many applications for close up and stage” Luca Volpe

“It's only two weeks into 2025 and Craig has thrown his hat straight into the ring with a contender for trick of the year.” Mark Elsdon

Go all in! Grab "The Big Blind" by Craig Petty today from Vanishing Inc.


Customer reviews for The Big Blind

VI Monthly


This is another hit by Craig Petty (who seems to be on a roll lately) and is destined to become a classic EDC!

The method is pretty straightforward and easy to do and will require a minimum of practice to get it done.

It is what I thought it would be but I was blow away with how "efficient" the method and props to make it work are.

The video tutorial is just about 2hrs long and as to be expected from Craig it covers everything you need to know, very direct and clearly, and then some.

If I had to ding this a bit is, just so slightly, on the quality of the chips. Don't get me wrong, they are very well made and they will last a lifetime. I just, personally, would have liked a chip that's a bit thinner and a bit heavier.

Other than that, this is a great effect, easy to perform and no one will see it coming!



I just received this, road tested it a bit, and I am LOVING IT. There is some chatter about the quality of the gimmick and I have to say the one I received feels very good and it will last a long time. Examinability is minimal due to how the gimmick works but its been in their hands the whole time so I think its pretty clean. Craig goes through a lot during the tutorial but my preferred handling is the one with the purse as everything is well motivated. I think the fact that this is plastic shouldn't deter people from buying it given how powerful this routine is.



I saw the marketing trailer and thought this was a great trick. Once again, I was fooled by marketing. Great job on the marketing trailer. Without exposing how this works, when I did this trick for a group, several quickly figured out how simply by looking at the chip. The people who say no one wants to see the chips... wrong. Everyone wants to see them. I didn't let anyone handle them, but it was so painfully obvious, they didn't need to handle them. This trick goes right into the bin of never to use again tricks.

VI Monthly


A miss for Craig Petty. The idea is wonderful. The execution not so much. Probably the worst part is the $50 price point and what you get. The chips are cheap looking and there's no way I'd trust them to withstand scrutiny from a spectator. At all. But that's just me.

Again, though, I'm shocked this costs $50. Why? How? Craig, if you're reading this: Why? How?

I'm still a fan of Craig. But BIG BLIND is, sadly, going in the "Naw, I'm Good" drawer.



Bear with me while I present and explain the 'below standard' rating that I submit to you.

Before I get there, though, Craig Petty is masterful and genius at the craft we all know and love. His YouTube channel is full of treasures for entertainment and education. I've watched tutorials from Craig as well as own his 'Cheater Chips' set and I was excited to order this as soon as I heard of it.

For those who know, the more you work in the illusion arena the less surprised you are by the 'way' these things 'work' so to speak. And so I noticed and suspected the working of this trick by watching the videos of the performances. No problem, as with all of Craig's products there's plenty of value in the education and explanation of multiple 'routines' available for any given product of his.

My low rating, as many may be surprised, is all related to the product, and has nothing to do with the invention, performance or routine. I honestly was disappointed when I opened the box. The chips are so lightweight and 'cheap' feeling compared to his other 'chip' set. That was a major disappointment for me. However, that was not my biggest disappointment. I was really dumbfounded as soon as I turned the chips over in my hands. It has been discussed whether the 'chips' can be examined by the audience or not, but these chips don't even allow for the discussion to make it to that point. As soon as I turned the product over I didn't need to handle/examine them, it was visible. And that is a major issue with this product.

For those who will purchase the item you'll find in the 'explanation' portion of the set a lengthy discussion of the 'why' this design was chosen over a previous design. It's a valid point and I agree, you don't want to 'fuddle' during the critical moments of the illusion. However, for the price of the item I was expecting a much better unit. After all, every magician I know wants to look good, and it's hard to do so when wearing clothes that don't fit.

I'll continue to support, follow and learn from the brilliance of Craig Petty. However, this one leaves a bad taste in my mouth because in its current state, it's well below standard. I'm pretty sure I have a drawer for it somewhere.


Community questions about The Big Blind

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  • Ofir asks: Is it possible to not use the "of" chip? Will the effect remain the same or will it effect the method or subtleties? In hebrew we say just the value of a card and the suit, with no word in between (eg. 8 club, king spade)

    • 1. Craig answers: Great question. The main routine would not work because it uses a one head principle. However, there are other handlings on the tutorial that you could apply to just using two chips. There are many ways to perform the routine beyond the main routine on the project.
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  • Ty asks: Are the chips examinable/can be handed out after the trick?

    • 1. Jack answers: Not really, but as you’re placing them in their hand throughout the routine, no one would want to examine them afterwards anyway.
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  • Guillermo asks: Will you make a spanish version with "de" in place of "of"?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at this time.
  • Les asks: Are the poker chips secretly handled during the card selection? I would think they would have to be.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are
  • Michael asks: Can you speak about more of the one slight required and it’s difficulty please Michsel

    • 1. Jack answers: The sleight of hand is very minimal, and there are only a couple of places where the move is used, all of which have the attention on the spectator, rather than you. It’s a very natural move, but will take a little bit of time to perfect.
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  • Rick asks: How much pocket space will this take up? (ie: would I have to put aside at least one full pocket in order to perform this?)

    • 1. Craig answers: Everything fits into one pocket, but you could also put a few other things in there as well if you wanted to. However, because it uses a small index, you do need to make sure that you have access to it throughout the routine.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Chuck asks: I'm confined to a wheelchair. I don't use my pockets because they are folded and rather inaccessible. There are so many effects that require access to the pockets for retrieving or ditching or sorting or indexing or etc. I have to forego those effects in my repertoire. Does this trick require me to have access to my pant's pockets?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It requires access to *somewhere*. Maybe you could hide the "thing" somewhere on your chair? But you will need access to an unseen area to retrieve what you need to retrieve!
  • Steven asks: How fast does this reset?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Seconds.
  • Vincent asks: Is it hard for a Beginner and what about sleight of hand..from 1/5..thank you..

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is very easy to do for a beginner. There is one "move" that is explained thoroughly and is easy to do.
  • Marko asks: How much pocketspace is needed.. I asume 13+4 Chips? The effect is German the "of" is not needed, so 2 chips are enough and it would work the same I asume?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You just need one dedicated pocket.
  • Don asks: I'll assume that with Big Blind, there are of course some moving parts involved. No prob. Do the chips "operate" quietly? Any reason why this couldn't be performed in a very quiet atmosphere? Looks really good! As always, thanks!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Think of it like a shell. You can nest a shell silently with the correct techniques. Or, you can make it make a click sound without the correct technique. This is like that. If that makes sense.
  • Frankie asks: Reading the reviews above, is there any considerations to make it into a quality clay chip that will match the cheaters chip in the near future?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at this time.
  • Jason asks: How easy/difficult is it to spin the inserts once the have been inserted into the chips? i.e. do the magnets prevent it from moving?

    • 1. Jim answers: Corrected answer: as shipped, they spin and move easily. Murphy's will be releasing a video very soon on how to address the spin and movement.
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