The Hummingbirds

Book by Luke Jermay
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4.8 | 12 reviews

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The Hummingbirds

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Book by Luke Jermay (99.95)

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The Hummingbirds - magic
The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds The Hummingbirds

A transformational approach to The Rising Cards from Luke Jermay.

"Jermay's Hummingbirds is the best Rising Card routine that anyone could perform today."Richard Kaufman

“Supremely magical.” Eric Mead

The Rising Card is arguably one of the most magical card effects you can perform. It continues to astound audiences even centuries after it was created. While many have attempted to carve their name into its legacy, few have revolutionized the iconic plot like Luke Jermay. With “The Hummingbirds”, Luke has evolved the trick into a complete, awe-inspiring experience that resonates with audiences long after you’re gone.

“The Hummingbirds” is both powerful and profoundly moving. As you’ve come to expect from Luke Jermay, it’s brilliantly scripted to perfection. Every action is justified as you take your audience on a mesmerizing journey that will have them hooked from start to finish.

You’ll also be delighted to know the method is remarkably practical and direct. It is simply the most elegant solution for causing three cards to rise from a deck, and works with any deck of cards and any glass.

“There are very magicians who make me feel magic is real. Luke Jermay is one of them. This routine is marvellous; it is profoundly magical and because of the way it looks in live performance it feels "eerie". I felt it and concluded this is one of the finest compositions for The Rising Cards I have ever seen. Bravo Luke and to Vanishing Inc for making this available.”Michael Vincent

Luke’s brand new approach is one of the most original reworkings of The Rising Cards you’ll ever see. Since it does not require you to be tethered to a thread, the likelihood of inopportune thread breakage has been eliminated almost entirely. The cards are also not stuck together in any way, and are freely handled and shuffled throughout the routine. You could even borrow a deck if you’d like.

“The most practical and innovative method for the rising cards I’ve ever seen. I love performing this routine.” Andi Gladwin

Every detail and nuance is meticulously explored in an elegant, slim hardcover book. Dedicating an entire book to a singular routine ensures an attention to detail that accurately reflects the quality of the effect itself. Luke not only teaches you the method, but also all the nuances needed to ensure you always leave a lasting impact.

Exclusive Bonus

Anyone who purchases “The Hummingbirds” will also receive an exclusive bonus video in which Luke shares additional handlings and advice that will elevate your performances to new heights.

“The Hummingbirds” is one of the strongest pieces of magic Luke Jermay has ever gifted to our community. It’s a true masterpiece that will have your audiences believing in the power of magic. Order your copy from Vanishing Inc. today!

64 pages | Hardcover

You will need to provide your own glass and invisible thread. The dome Luke puts over his glass is an optional aesthetic that is not essential for the method to work.

Due to the limited and unique nature of this book, no ebook version is available.


Customer reviews for The Hummingbirds



wow! love it! love it!. Lukes presentation of this effect is stunning. A modern classic!



I was fortunate enough to see Luke perform this live as part of his show and it's just amazing. I'll never be the story teller that Luke is, but I love the rising card principle so when I saw this I immediately knew I had to buy it. Wonderful book and the video that accompanies the book adds even more. If you perform in formal close up settings, then you need this is your show.



Very pleased with this release from Luke Jeremy. The book and download compliment each other well. The book goes into the finer details of this routine, I most appreciate the details regarding the logic of the scripting and routining, something that is often missing from many marketed effects. The handling for the effect itself is intuitive and well explained in both the book and download. The download is well produced and offers some additional handlings not covered in the book. This is now easily my favorite version of the rising cards.

VI Monthly


What a wonderful take on the rising card. As always with Lukes work it is really well thought out, practical and above all very magical. The option to view the performance and bonus before the book arrived is also really nice. Very much worth the price.



This is truly a stunning piece of magic. I find the true value here is the wonderful handling and presentation that elevates the effect to a new level. I have never seen this particular set up either, which is very clever. Between the book and the additional download you have everything you need to present an incredible experience for your viewers. I am personally going to work to perfect it. Don’t underestimate the simplicity of method this is brilliant thinking over all, bringing what was once considered a nice effect to a beautiful theatrical presentation. Excellent work Mr. Jermay, I absolutely love this.

VI Monthly


If you think you are going to see some remarkably different method, you are not. If you are interested in the details of how to make this a fool proof professional routine, then you have come to the right place. Luke has spelled out all the details and you could use his routine or, use what he has done as a jumping off point. As usual, he has made this very simple so you can focus on performance and not worry about the technical aspects of the routine. Great job Luke!



This is amazing! The hookup is so simple and the way the trick is done is the most practical and simple way the trick can be done. I also truly believe that this is the most magical sequence of the rising card I have ever seen. This is a winner.



I'm going to admit that I haven't received the book yet, but I have watched the bonus material and Luke does teach the hookup in the video as well. It's so simple yet brilliant. This is an incredibly magical rising card effect and the routine is absolutely beautiful. I love it.



Love it. Very well done



Honestly, how has nobody thought of this hook up before??? This is really practical and easy. This is not for every situation (you wont be doing this walk around. this is more formal) but if you find yourself, or put yourself, in the right situation then this is, IMO, the best rising card solution out there. No electronics. The deck is handled freely, no odd movements. Multiple rises. This is a winner. Im keeping a set of hookups (both versions from the video) in my gig bag. The VI portable wine glass is a good solution for this. Luke's presentation is beautiful and Ill probably keep some ideas from it but i cant wait to make this thing my own and fit it into the structure of my act.



The Hummingbirds may be my new favorite effect I've ever purchased. Luke Jermay has always released effects that are fully thought out and have been put through their paces. His teaching is clear and nothing is left out. As always, the quality provided by Vanishing Inc. is top notch.



This is a nice piece of magic. Like all successful magic, it panders to the hobbyist community. In this case, we receive a book and download that contains only one trick. No gimmicks or anything necessary to make the gimmick is provided.

I feel as a hobbyist myself, that my love of magic woos me into buying products that don’t provide enough value per dollars paid. As the price of magic continually goes up we seem to get less and less for our hard earned dollars. If this trend doesn’t change soon, the hobbyists will stop buying products that don’t provide a fair value for the money spent. There is a breaking point!


Community questions about The Hummingbirds

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Matthew asks: When you say this is practical, does that suggest this approach is thread-free?

    • 1. Russel answers: Ad copy says you need to provide your own thread and glass.
    • 2. Anton answers: In the description it states "You will need to provide your own glass and invisible thread."
    • 3. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thread is used. But the way it's used is more practical than other routines and allows you to handle the cards more freely.
    • 1. Russel answers: Ad copy says you need to provide your own thread and glass.
    • 2. Anton answers: In the description it states "You will need to provide your own glass and invisible thread."
  • Christopher asks: To better facilitate one-stop shopping, can Vanishing Inc. supply the necessary thread and/or make recommendations on which thread is best recommended for this> Perhaps VI can offer this as a "package" including the thread too???

    • 1. Brian answers: Luke posted an answer to this, but here's a link to the same thread in a smaller, less expensive spool.
    • 2. Steven answers: The above comment is incorrect. That link leads to plastic spools with NO thread.
    • 3. Steven answers: I apologize: my comment is in error--please disregard.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Robin asks: What are the performance conditions? Is it suitable only for formal shows, or can it be performed in an informal setting such as at a meal in a restaurant?

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Indeed! In fact I have performed it in this very setting many times and talk about this in the download.
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is very practical and can be performed seated at a dinner table.
    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Indeed! In fact I have performed it in this very setting many times and talk about this in the download.
  • Gary asks: Does the plot follow along the lines of a card is selected and the is caused to rise from the deck

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
    • 2. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Yes. Cards are freely selected and can be signed if you wish. In fact, you can even have people name their favourite cards as selections. There is no restriction on the selection process at all.
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • Dallas asks: Could this method work for Tarot or Oracle cards?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Absolutely! Any deck of cards will work with this method. We would recommend avoiding cheaper cards that stick together though.
    • 2. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Any deck of any type of cards can be used. The size of the deck will need some adjustments to the length of thread in use but that will be easily adjusted once you settle on the deck and experiment.
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Absolutely! Any deck of cards will work with this method. We would recommend avoiding cheaper cards that stick together though.
  • John asks: Can you recommend a particular brand of invisible thread that works best with this effect?

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: I use this:
  • Lukas asks: Can you demonstrate the effect free-standing or do you have to sit at the table?

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: The effect is designed to be performed as it is seen, seated. However it is possible to perform standing, with some obvious adjustments to the additional handlings covered in the video download. However these are not explicitly covered. Honestly this is a trick that is better performed seated due to the intimate nature of the presentation. Sitting with the audience allows the performer to remove the sense of formality dissolving the barrier between the audience and the performer that standing creates.
  • Eliyahu asks: Will this be available as an ebook?

    • 1. Eliyahu answers: "Due to the limited and unique nature of this book, no ebook version is available."
    Post an answer to this question
  • Danny asks: Wondering if Luke or Andi could respond to how much thread is used with each performance. I see the suggested refill thread is $90, so I’m wondering how many performances would this refill last for?

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: I use a 12 inch length. You may vary this to your own preference once you have learned the routine but the spoil recommended should last a very, very, very long time, since breakage is very rare with the method.
  • Andrew asks: Possibly a dumb Q, but one I will preface with ‘I’m such a huge fan of yours Luke, and it’s only because it’s you that I am considering buying this’… my Q, on a scale of 1 to 10, how hard is this to perform? Just find your approach to magic really insightful and fascinating in summary. Thx

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: It will take some work to be comfortable with but no good magic is easy and no easy magic is real. So…. If you like the effect, it’s worth the effort!
  • Daniel asks: Does this come with the silk?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's just the book. All the items are artistic choices and are not needed to perform the effect.
  • Steven asks: Will the video instruction available for those purchased during Session earlier last year?

    • 1. Simon answers: Good question
    Post an answer to this question
  • Scott asks: I see that the glass and thread are not provided. What about the silk? And the dome?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You just receive the book. The silk and bell jar are artistic choices, and neither are needed to make the trick work. Hope that helps.
  • Bernard asks: Does the wand play any part in this routine? It would be weird for me to pull out a wand during performance only for this routine and honestly wouldn't fit my current performing style.

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Wand is optional and plays no part in the working but I would urge you to consider using it. Audiences love it.
  • John asks: I already have the Vectra line thread.Will this work as well as the Gravity reel thread that Luke says he uses? Also, I am used to video tutorials. Is the information in the book explained with enough details to fully understand and help me perform the same as it shows in the video with enough practice? Thanks.

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: The book covers all details. Any thread will work.
  • John asks: Thanks for your response Jermay. I would also like to add the same white silk used in the video. Can you say which one is used and if VI supplies it? I have the collapsible wine glass from Joshua Jay, would that work as well? Thanks.

    • 1. John answers: Sorry,,forgot to write Luke before Jermay ??
    • 2. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: It’s just a sheer scarf, available everywhere online. Nothing special about it aside from the fact it’s translucent. If you search sheer scarf you will find many options.
    • 1. John answers: Sorry,,forgot to write Luke before Jermay ??
  • Paul asks: What a beautiful presentation. May I ask; you recommend the gravity reel thread (which is incredible), but does the effect require the use of a reel / the gravity reel or just thread. Many thanks. I love this.

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Just thread - no reels, electronics or other gimmicks are needed.
  • Michael asks: 1. Thank you for your kindness in providing a link for the Gravity Thread source. 2. Does The Hummingbirds effect require a reel? Or recommend the use of a reel with the thread? And, if so, if the Gravity Thread is going to be used with a reel, must the Gravity Reel be used? 3. Would you please be so kind as to also provide the link to a source for the silk used in the effect? Thank you for all kindness being shown in answering this myriad of questions.

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Just thread - no reels, electronics or other gimmicks are needed. Any sheer scarf will work, a simple search will reveal many options for you.
  • Brandon asks: Luke you're wonderful and your mind makes magic so much better. Thank you so much for sharing your thinking with us. I just have some quick clarifications about the selection procedure Is there a reason for the breaking up of the selection process? Why you focused on one card then two? Is three a theatrical limitation or a method limitation? This is something special!

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: This is discussed in the book itself. Personally I have found this to be the best process of selection to maintain interest and increase impact. The handling can be adapted if you wish a different “pattern” of selections.
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a theatrical choice. You can do one selection, two or both.
    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: This is discussed in the book itself. Personally I have found this to be the best process of selection to maintain interest and increase impact. The handling can be adapted if you wish a different “pattern” of selections.
  • Chris asks: How difficult is this for beginners?

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: All magic is difficult, however; if you are willing to practice then there is no reason you will not be able to master the effect. It isn’t self working but it doesn’t require any challenging sleight of hand.
  • Thomas asks: Hullo Luke. Great release , congrats. Can you tell me something about the size/weight of the magnet ? And how far do you cross your legs ? Thanks in advance for your expertise and timely response. T

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Around 1cm in circumference. The exact position of the legs will need to be something it work out for yourself, since we have different legs. However, playing with it for a while will make all clear.
  • Michael asks: Thank you for releasing this phenomenal method for the rising card plot. Is it possible to release a short addendum video (or even a simple line drawing) of the behind the table view of the hands free method not discussed in your book. (Only shared in bonus video - it would clarify position of legs etc.)

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Thanks! The exact position of the legs will need to be something it work out for yourself, since we have different legs. However, playing with it for a while will make all clear.
  • Radoslav asks: Hi there, I've been doing magic for over 12 years, card magic in particular. I've never worked with gimmicks such as invisible thread before. If you're to rate the technical/ performance difficulty of this trick from 1 to 10 what would you say that be? Is it easy or does it require an extensive amount of practice (purely technical, not talking about presentation/ audience management) to raise the cards from the deck? Thanks.

    • 1. Luke Jermay (creator) responds: Hi, it’s a very hard question to answer. I can’t really give you a rating. Honestly, if you like the effect enough it will be worth the effort. It’s not self working but it’s not especially difficult.
  • Tom asks: Hi Luke, this isn't a question, just a note of appreciation. I recently began a relationship with a wonderful woman who loves magic, and even more importantly, loves that I do it for her. One of the first things I learned about her is that she also loves hummingbirds. The very next day you released this trick on VI. I am sure you can imagine what I did next!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thank you for your kind words
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