Cloud 9

Trick by Cigma Magic
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Cloud 9

149.95 usd

Trick by Cigma Magic (149.95)

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Cloud 9 - magic
Cloud 9 Cloud 9

Cloud 9, produced and created by Cigma, is an innovative special effects smoke device with a delicate design operating system with a cutting-edge method. This compact smoke device allows you to add smoke easily into any of your current close up, parlor, or stage shows.

The smoke is emitted from the "barrel" of Cloud 9. This patented design is machine crafted into just the size of a grain of rice, so you can create smoke from places you could not in the past. By a length of an incredibly small wire, the barrel is connected to the battery case (5cmX2.5X2.5). The separation of the barrel and the battery case not only makes lots of applications attainable, but gives you the ability to perform a hands off smoke effect.

This uniquely crafted glycerine wax used to produce the milky white smoke is non toxic and completely safe to use.

In addition to the structure and the working methods, the most distinct difference between Cloud 9 and other traditional smoke-emitters are the applications in which it can be used. 

Included in the package is:

  • 2 Barrels(Smoke emitter)
  • 1 battery
  • 1 Charger
  • Capsules of refillable glycerine
  • arm strap
  • tutorial taught by Shin Lim

Customer reviews for Cloud 9



This is the second worst trick I bought from vanishing Inc, and in my point of view, the worst smoke device by far. After air, that was the second time that Shin lim fooled me, and the last one, of course, because I will never buy again a product with his signature in my life from now on,even if I believe that it would be great. And that's because I believe he doesn't respect us customers and fellow magicians at all. The price is huge for what you get, the smoke stinks like hell and is almost... invisible, and is totally useless for a real life performance. So, I paid 109 pounds for a device that the only use I could find for, was to burn flash paper, something I could simply do with a battery and a piece of wire, that would cost me less than five pounds. Totally disappointed with that one, and I hope that won't happen to anyone else, that's why I even bother to write a review for something so worthless. I strongly believe, that vanishing Inc, like a serious company it is, should do something about it...p.s. I have to add, that at the end of the tutorial, because he absolutely knows that he advised a piece of rubbish, he said " and if you have any complaints, don't call me, it's not my product, your complaints to the company!!!!". Yes, but we know you,shin, not the company, and the product says" by shin lim, for advertisement reason of course. After all,if you know that it is indeed rubbish,then why do you put your signature on it? Do you need so desperate these money? Poor guy...


Community questions about Cloud 9

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  • Jason asks: is cloud 9 safe? have you personally used this product?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Very safe.
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