Flash Wand

Accessory by Alan Wong
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Flash Wand

29.95 usd

Accessory by Alan Wong (29.95)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

Produce a spark when you wave your magic wand!

This is all self-contained in a plastic magic wand installed with a super bright white LED light, with press switch operation and powered by a built in rechargeable lithium ion battery to produce that powerful flash.

Looks magical, fun to play with and kids will believe you have real magic power.


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  • Dave asks: Can you tell me what size the wand is? Thank You...

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The entire package is 14.0 x 2.5 x 2.5 inches, so the wand is a bit smaller than that. I hope that helps!
    • 2. Jim answers: Does this wand produce a spark or flame that will light flash paper/cotton?
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