Perfect Silk to Ball

Trick by JL Magic
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Perfect Silk to Ball

65.00 usd

Trick by JL Magic (65.00)

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Perfect Silk to Ball  - magic
Perfect Silk to Ball Perfect Silk to Ball Perfect Silk to Ball Perfect Silk to Ball

A silk instantly changes into a ball right before spectators' eyes.

This new version allows for the silk to be handled free and independent of the performer's hands! 

Place silk on a table or over your shoulder, then watch as it instantly changes into a ball in your hand!


  • Trick ball
  • 2 silks (to match color of ball)
  • Instructional DVD

Available in Red, White or Green
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Customer reviews for Perfect Silk to Ball



Avoid…. My gimmick break at the first use. À pièce of the gimmick was stuck in the ball and I wasn’t able to use the gimmick anymore. I have to try to repear it and the résultat is not here. The mechanic could be very practicle if it was made of métal…. But plastic is to fragile. Be concern it does noise. On scene, with music, no problem. In a parlour type of évent, if there are few people, avoid. If it was solid, and you can fear to break it, it could be a great gimmick.


Community questions about Perfect Silk to Ball

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Robert asks: What's the size of the ball you end up with?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is 2” in diameter.
  • David asks: Is it quiet enough to be used fairly close to an audience ? I don't mean "close-up" style sitting at a table with audience within arms' reach, but performing stand-up magic with the nearest spectators seated a few feet away , not right on top of you like at a table. Or does this require performing at stage distance with music at full volume to cover the sound ? (for example, would the sound be comparable to an appearing cane?)

    • 1. Jim answers: This is best used on platform or stage.
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  • David asks: I have another question about this item: Looking at JL Magic's demo video and photos it shows the performers using what appears to be a large diamond-cut silk. I want to use this for a very specific reason with a regular 18" square cut silk (not diamond cut/diagonal cut). Will this ball smoothly handle a regular 18" square cut silk ? (it can be a thin silk , 5 momme, instead of usual 6 momme, but must be 18" square , not diamond or diagonal cut)

    • 1. Jim answers: It might work with a 12" square. For 18" the diamond-cut is best.
    • 2. David answers: Thank you for the answer , Jim. Are you from Vanishing Inc. or are you a magician who owns the Perfect Silk to Ball by JL Magic. I am a bit confused by Jim's answer because I finally went direct to JL Magic and this is what they directed me to on their website (which is in Korean , but this is translated by Google Translate from Korean to English) - Perfect Silk to Ball Ver. 3 by JL Magic Material Silk to Ball - Ball 5cm 29g plastic (pc abs) with silicone cover ,6g silicone. 2 pieces of 18-inch finest silk handkerchiefs , about 46cm wide x 46cm . The silk is without any abnormality. Be sure to view the instruction manual or video before using it.
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