Shoot Ogawa Masterclass

Masterclass by Shoot Ogawa
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 28 reviews

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Shoot Ogawa Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Shoot Ogawa (75.00)

Spend more than 4 hours learning directly from a master of his craft.

FISM Winner Shoot Ogawa is one of those magicians that creates “real” magic. His sleight of hand is so adept, so polished, that it genuinely looks like he’s making the impossible happen.

This is not by accident though. Shoot is also one of the hardest-working magicians in the world and his commitment to understanding the finest details of magic is unparalleled. In the "Shoot Ogawa Masterclass" he shares his best tricks and most invaluable insights across two 90-minute sessions.

Featuring the perfect blend of full routines (including some unpublished material) and groundbreaking theory, the “Shoot Ogawa Masterclass” epitomizes what a Masterclass should be. You won’t just learn amazing card tricks and coin tricks, but also the distinct nuances needed to elevate them to miracle status. Simply put, you’ll walk away from this Vanishing Inc. Masterclass as a better magician.

Video 1

  • Intro and Theory
  • 8 card brainwave
  • 4 coin routine
  • Classic force
  • Muscle pass
  • And more!

Video 2

  • Four coin production/ matrix
  • Original take on Wild Card routine
  • Impossible coin vanish(s)
  • And more!


As a special bonus, you'll also receive a recording from a live Q&A that took place when this Masterclass first aired live. It's more than an hour of extra incredible insights that you get at no extra cost.

Download the "Shoot Ogawa Masterclass" today!


Customer reviews for Shoot Ogawa Masterclass



Awesome!! Great to see his work and learn theories. Thank you so much!



Shoots knowledge is through the roof! He has intricate coin work detail that you will definitely use in your coin work. He is carefree giving his knowledge and tipping his hand on the double lift and classic pass. I thoroughly enjoyed the lecture as you should too.



Shoot Is brilliant, beautiful, bubbly, and bold beyond belief. I wish I had discovered him years ago. Not only is he a brilliant expert in coins and cards but his analytical mind has broken his effects down to analytical principles that he displays with flip charts. He is a delightful personality, and I enjoy his enthusiasm immensely, almost as much as the delight I derive from seeing his effects. He is an outstanding teacher, leaving nothing to chance, and does not assume that you have some of the necessary skills to perform. But he goes into clear explanations of everything that you would need to perform his miracles. he is truly worth far more than the mere $50 Vanishing Inc. charges. Run don’t walk to enjoy this wonderful experience.



Shoot Ogawa (A FISM Champion) is a master of sleight of hand, whose creativity comes across in every move. The Masterclass is an outstanding compendium of fantastic routines (using cards and coins) and diabolical combination of sleights. If you are not familiar with Ogawa's work, you are in for a treat. The coin routines are the crowning achievement (especially vanishes and transitions among sleights), as the moves would fool a seasoned pro and leave the lay persons in a state of utter astonishment. The masterclass is well shot, as Ogawa demonstrates the technique in great detail and covers all the subtleties from several angles. I really loved his discussion of psychology in the design of the effect. One of the best Masterclasses I have seen.



I must admit that I was somewhat nervous about this class. After all, Shoot is the master of intricate coin moves, invisible transfers, and of course, the muscle pass. Shoot’s ability to “shoot” a coin from his palm into a target so small that were this a carnival game, Shoot would walk away with the HUGE teddy bear. All of that to say that I was afraid that the class might be more than I could handle.

I was totally wrong! Shoot has an amazing ability to think about the theory of magic and then make his thoughts clear. Many people have one or the other, but Shoot excels at both.

His work on the classic force is fantastic. If you have been having trouble with this force, Shoot explains the importance of body language, speed of the spread, and many other small points that can make a great difference in your work. He breaks down the success of the force into three different areas: the physical part, the psychological part, and the theoretical part. I loved this move away from “here is one more trick” to “here is a tool that will make your performance better forever.”

In week two, Shoot reminded us that the audience does not know when the trick starts. Thus, a trick may be nearly over, from a technical standpoint, before it even starts in the mind of the audience. This is a reminder of others who say, “don’t make the card selection part of the trick.”

All in all, this was a great masterclass. I learned a lot more than “right pinkie goes near the left thumb” (not that there’s anything wrong with that). A bargain at the price.



My mind was blown by this masterclass. There is so much theory along with excellent effects. Even just seeing how shoot thinks, when approaching magic, was extremely valuable. Highly recommended !









VI Monthly


VI Monthly




I found the masterclass extremely useful. This class offers both technique and invaluable psychology. The coin routines were great for me because it focused on sequences for casual, one-on-one, performances, in other words not a formal show even though these sequences could be incorporated into a formal show. He provided excellent information about the muscle pass and already I am beginning to see positive results. The Classic Force psychology was amazing, information I have never seen before. I am looking forward to the next session.

VI Monthly


VI Monthly


Shoot is a true Master, but one that is humble. He wants to share his experiences and knowledge and develop others into magicians. He is honest with what it will take, but makes it obtainable.



Excellent class! Shoot spoke on many topics but they were all related. He also pointed out how important it is to not only practice but to practice correctly. I feel I have now have a chance to learn the muscle pass that I could not learn before. Shoot also really did a nice job on explaining how important spectator management is to every magic effect and the better we get at doing this the better all of our magic will become. I really enjoyed listening to Shoot and he spent as much time on how to present an effect as he did on teaching the technique you needed to learn to do the effect.

VI Monthly


This masterclass was mazing. Shoot's explanation of the forcing of a card and the muscle pass of a coin included theory that would be helpful to both the professional well trained magician as well as a beginner who wanted to make sure to train correctly and not have to eliminate bad habits later on. I think that i have no qualms about recommending this masterclass to anyone who is serious about magic. The cost is very minimal for what is taught in a clear and motivating way.

VI Monthly


Am really enjoying underlying principles and philosophies that become eventual muscle memory for the performer.



Amazing! Love learning the theory behind the magic



Pretty advanced stuff but awesome. Need to practice this a lot!

VI Monthly


VI Monthly







VI Monthly






I have to admit I had no idea who Shoot Ogawa was before this Masterclass and, I got say I was so lucky to learn from this new amazing instructor. While this class has a tone of coin magic and I am manly a slight of hand magician there was some really good card moves to. My favorite from this class was learning his adaptation of a Wild Card effect. On the negative side it was not very organized and a little all over the place however, the pros out way the cons. This is a great Masterclass for technique and you will learn a lot.

VI Monthly


I think Shoot is very entertaining and has some great insights. The lack of organization of the material is a bit distracting. Sometimes, it is a little too much analogy and story when the focus should be the technique. His observations on psychology are really impressive.


Community questions about Shoot Ogawa Masterclass

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  • David asks: Did the Session 3 Q&A take place? There's no recording?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Everyone was emailed about this twice. Sorry it didn't get to you. It's been rescheduled for the 19th of November.
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