
Book by Phedon Bilek
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Book by Phedon Bilek (254.95)

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When Phedon set his mind on creating the ultimate Q&A routine the results were amazing, even one of Phedon's closest friends (Romanos) regards this as the strongest routine that Phedon has released to date. Requiring no props, billets or expensive electronics, this devastating Q&A can be performed any time, place and anywhere.

"This work is simply incredible, never have I ever felt more inspired!" Michael Murray

"People could start a cult with this!" Madison Hagler

"Another work of absolute genius!" Jamie Badman

There is no question that the' Q&A' represents one of the strongest routines within mentalism. Yet, most performers shy away from it owing to the various technical and mechanical demands that are required to pull it off convincingly.

Never before has there been a more direct route for any performer to add this routine into their repertoire. Requiring no switches, no steals, no one ahead, this entirely prop-less approach alleviates all of the hard work leaving the performer free to concentrate their efforts almost entirely upon the presentation.

Consider the following key points:

  • This is a reputation-making effect.
  • It can be performed one-on-one in a close-up setting, or for a larger audience on stage.
  • It is very simple to do.
  • It appears real.
  • It is both fun and interesting for everyone watching.
  • It is entirely prop-less.
  • It is impossible to backtrack.
  • Every action is fully motivated.

Best of all, you will learn the subtle psychological methods that Phedon uses to get his participants to instigate each performance. This, coupled with the ability to give highly detailed, accurate readings (using the methods taught in this book) will set any performer head and shoulders above their peers.

Besides 'The Cartesian Q&A', readers of this book will also get to learn several of Phedon's most preciously guarded secrets, each being unveiled for the very first time. Phedon also takes care to include a full breakdown of what he considers to be the most powerful billet routine he performs. Best of all, owing to Phedons minimalist approach, each of these mind-blowing routines requires little more than a small selection of borrowed business cards and a writing implement.

These additional routines include

  • Three Questionable Answers.
  • Hecate.
  • Zodiac & Name.
  • The Timorous Drawing.
  • Murmur.
  • & A Work in Progress.

The highly versatile nature of this material affords the performer the ability to perform these routines in both close-up and stage settings. No matter if you are a casual performer or a paid professional, this material is guaranteed to elevate your performances to a whole new level.

Coupled with each of the routines in this book, you will also discover detailed explanations for a variety of different tools. Each of these tools has been taken directly from Phedon's own personal repertoire and has been honed to perfection, via countless real-world performances. Readers of this book will also appreciate the far-reaching applications that these tools offer within the routines that they currently perform.

An incredible bonus toolbox of techniques including...

  • The universal vision.
  • Objective redefinition.
  • The Prism.
  • Numbers and their meanings.
  • The Master Dream reveal.
  • Nico Heinrich's paddle peek.
  • The Escalation ruse.
  • A Llttle phasmatic touch.
  • The 'Dot' subtlety.
  • The Shift.
  • The Alpha and The Omega.

In a very fitting tribute to the origins of this book, Phedon also covers a wide variety of thought-provoking subjects. Many of these are designed to inspire, whilst others are designed to challenge the reader's perspective on various elements pertaining to mentalism performance. The revolutionary thinking within these chapters is both refreshing and highly motivating and will no doubt deeply affect the way that the reader thinks about this art form.

These inspiring chapters include:

  • Addressing 'THESCAM'
  • Plato goes to Hollywood
  • Sacred chants
  • Plato goes to the movies
  • The timorous drawing
  • The technology of failing
  • & more As Real as It Gets...

There is simply no denying the power of this material, with one early reader suggesting "You could start a religion with this!" and another suggesting that the typical response to 'The Cartesian Q&A' would be something akin to - "This guy started walking through the audience, and was able to describe their thoughts, feelings, and fears just by touching their hand...".

Happily, the presentational options whilst performing this material are so diverse that each of these routines is guaranteed to appeal to each performer in a different way. Even fans of a more traditional 'Sherlock Holmes' style approach will find favor with chapters such as 'The Alpha and Omega'. In short, no matter who you are, or what presentational style you favor, you are guaranteed to find inspiration in this book!

Owing to the global success of his DVD release 'Sibyl', Phedon is widely recognized as one of the leading authorities when it comes to delivering readings. Within Orpheus, Phedon details the blueprints to several new, fast-track systems, each providing owners of this book with the ability to deliver confident, accurate readings with very little memory work required.

To accompany the simple yet diverse range of reading systems taught, Phedon also provides a definitive set of psychological safety nets, thus providing a huge sense of reassurance to those who may not have ever given a reading before, whilst simultaneously offering the absolute freedom to jazz for those that have.

Phedon ensures that an unparalleled level of instruction has been provided for every routine within this book. Each explanation is backed up by a written, illustrative account, taken directly from one of Phedon's own personal performances. As the old adage suggests, the devil truly does lie within the details!

Not only does Phedon share the complete methods behind some of his most powerful material to date, but he also shares everything that sparked their genesis too. By the time you have reached the end of this book, you will have learned everything there is to know about these routines and will have a firm understanding of the depth and meaning that they carry.

A 'Masterclass' in Revealing Information...

Phedon recognizes that the manner in which we choose to reveal information is one of the true keys to a powerful performance. Having also observed a distinct lack of literature in this regard, Phedon sought to address this balance with the release of Orpheus. As such, this book boasts the most comprehensive level of instruction given to the subject of reveals, that has been released to date.

This list of revelation options includes (but is not limited to):

  • Names
  • Objects
  • Destinations
  • Exact dates of birth
  • Questions & concerns
  • Plus so much more

What is especially interesting is that not one single piece of this information has to be written down or otherwise directly communicated by your participant.

Upon completion of Orpheus, Phedon sent a draft copy of this book to a select number of his closest friends in return for their thoughts. The reaction to this material was incredible, with every one of them feeling inspired enough to share their own personal perspectives, alternative handlings and additional tools with Phedon in return.

With very kind permission from such names as Dr Bill Cushman, Francis Girola, Madison Hagler, Matthew Sims & Warren Thackeray this treasure trove of bonus thoughts have all been collated together and are included within each relevant chapter of Orpheus for the reader to enjoy.

"If you are interested in mentalism then Phedon's work is remarkable, what I have managed to read of Orpheus so far is genuinely next level!" Phill Smith

"Phedon is the Master, and we are but students." Millard Longman

"This is the real deal, pure genius, honestly, there is nothing out there that comes close!" Colin Miller

Hardcover | 328 Pages

Note: No prior knowledge of Phedon's previous works is required to enjoy Orpheus.


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