
Book by Luca Volpe
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Book by Luca Volpe (59.00)

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Shabara - magic
Shabara Shabara Shabara

Discover what it takes to transform a simple mentalism trick into an emotional and unforgettable experience with Shabara, the latest release from world renowned Mentalist Luca Volpe.

Building on the concepts introduced in his massively successful Emotional Mentalism trilogy, this exciting new book has been specifically designed to spark your imagination, stimulate your creativity and help you understand how to create true moments of wonder.

If you're simply looking for the latest & greatest mentalism trick, we have to be honest, this is probably not the ideal book for you. Shabara is a comprehensive look at a complete professional mentalism show that showcases the power of a beautifully-written script and the value of emphasizing the audience's experience over the method used to create it.

This unique show follows the story of a skeptical young woman named Elizabeth who reluctantly attends a mysterious performance from "modern-day shaman" known as "Shabara". This special evening not only converts Elizabeth into a believer but completely alters how she views the world. You'll experience this story firsthand as it beautifully unfolds word by word and image by image in the stunning routines featured in this book.

Filled with simple, yet incredibly powerful, mentalism tricks that teach you how to emotionally connect with your audience, Shabara is a must-read for any mentalist.

  • Petals
  • Crystal Connection
  • You See What you Want to See
  • Breathing Joy
  • Talking to the Moon
  • Spreading the Love
  • Breathing Joy

"What a great and unique reading experience! I love it from the first word to the last. I read it in one piece. wonderful, inspiring and captivating!" Dominik Pacher

"In the introduction, Luca says that he wrote the book "to spark your imagination and to stimulate the creative process, resulting in a Mentalism experience which will deeply touch people's lives." He's succeeded wonderfully well." Richard Webster


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