Avocado Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Riffle Shuffle
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Avocado Playing Cards

12.95 usd

Deck of cards by Riffle Shuffle (12.95)

Possibly discontinued.
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Avo-Card-Os are fresh from the Organic Market! Perfect for "spreading" on toast and cutting into packets!

The standard faces have been carefully reimagined and all the Court cards featuring a distinct avocado theme. There are also two custom tuck boxes that will be sold. One box has a pit and the other is seedless (pitless), so it is like you are opening up a real avocado. You can choose your favorite at checkout or grab both for a complete collection. Only 3,000 total decks of Avocado Playing Cards are available (1,500 of each). So, these are going to sell fast!

Printed by USPCC on premium crushed stock these cards feel as delicious as they look! As each deck of Avocado Playing Cards also comes with a special gaff card and duplicate 9 of spades, they are perfect for card magic, cardistry or even card game night with friends.

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