B-Roll Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Murphy's Magic Supplies Inc.
9.95 In stock.
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Designed by: Kiran Kuruvithadam
Card stock: Regular
Card finish: Air Cushioned
Box seal: No
Custom faces: Yes
Includes a double-backer: Yes
Includes matching jokers: Yes

Card finish
Air Cushioned
Card stock
card stock
Custom faces

B-Roll Playing Cards

9.95 usd

Deck of cards by Murphy's Magic Supplies Inc. (9.95)

In stock.

Behind every great film or TV show is a variety of alternate footage called “B-Roll” that is intercut with the main shots to add depth to the story. An exorbitant amount of B-Roll footage is often shot, yet much of it typically ends up on the cutting room floor. However, just like the countless hours you spend practicing or refining your routines, every bit of this effort plays a crucial role in the final product.

B-Roll Playing Cards commemorate that secret side of us all.

This absolutely gorgeous deck of cards is fully-customized from the 2-way camera back design through the stunning illustrations and distinct pips. Produced by the USPCC, B-Roll Playing Cards offer a premium functionality that matches their looks. You can use these playing cards for any cardistry routine, card game or even magic trick—especially since each deck includes 2 special gaff cards.

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