Scoundrel Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Xu Yu Juan
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Scoundrel Playing Cards

12.50 usd

Deck of cards by Xu Yu Juan (12.50)

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The Scoundrel is both a product of pop and a struggle between black and white with villain.

Cool pop & bad villain, designers captured both of these core elements to make this card.

In the respect of card boxes, the designer referred to a large number of domestic and foreign popular clothing elements. Looking for inspiration from a young person's point of view using a lot of crisscrossing black and white lines

Seemingly random interspersed is actually the joker's unruly disasters that shackle the entire city and the lives of ordinary people.

The Scoundrel's LOGO appears on the box, The Joker's classic line: "Why so serious?"

Featuring 56 custom playing cards printed by United States Playing Card Co with legendary air-cushion finish.

Limited edition of 2500 decks.

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