Flash Silk Vanishing Wand

Trick by The Essel Magic
13.74 In stock.
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Flash Silk Vanishing Wand

13.74 usd

Trick by The Essel Magic (13.74)

In stock.

Every magician has secretly wanted to make something disappear with a wave of a wand, and now you can. With a magical wave, this wand can make a silk disappear.


Customer reviews for Flash Silk Vanishing Wand

VI Monthly


The wand looks nice and solid. The trick is powerful and instantaneous exactly as seen in the video. But the want cannot be seen from too close, unless if you are moving it, which will hide the issue. But if you are a few feet away from the spectator, there will never be any problem. Anyhow, it is worthwhile to be a drop distant from the viewer, because when you swing the wand thru the air, you absolutely cannot touch anybody for safety reasons.
The reset will take a minute or so, and will need privacy.


Community questions about Flash Silk Vanishing Wand

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  • Gomez asks: Is it metal or plastic?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Plastic
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