The Stealth Case

Trick by Steve Cook
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The Stealth Case

89.10 usd

Trick by Steve Cook (89.10)

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The Stealth Case - magic
The Stealth Case The Stealth Case The Stealth Case The Stealth Case The Stealth Case The Stealth Case

Peeks are so, so important in close-up mentalism and magic, and this case is one of the finest we've seen. It's new, and the concept of the peek is unusual. It's always great to have several ways to glean information, and The Stealth Case is a worthy addition to your performing repertoire. The quotes about it are top, top notch:

"That is beyond Brilliant! What a great idea! Never seen this idea before. WOW! That's the best peek I've seen in years! I WILL USE THIS!"
- Graham Jolley

"OMG! Steve, that is so beautiful, really beautiful! Whoa! I want one! You're a f*****g genius man!"
- Luca Volpe

"WOW! That is beyond genius Steve. That's the best peek I've ever seen! WOW! Phenomenal!"
- Gary Jones

"I rarely say this, but this is going straight in to my act! The case itself is diabolical and the whole unit is very well made. It's safe to say this device should last forever so this is a wonderful investment for anyone who wishes to fry their audience with a display of super strong mind reading. The fact it also comes with some powerful routines that also make perfect sense is simply wonderful!"
- Steve Dela

Steve Cook's The Stealth Case is the perfect peek device for the modern mind reader.

Totally innocent in appearance, flawless in execution.

The Stealth Case has been in the works for well over 12 months and the finished unit is simply stunning.

The Stealth Case Will Soon Become Your Favorite Mind Reading Weapon

This slick black, everyday-looking card case holds an incredibly simple yet devastating secret that will allow you to acquire secret information with ease. In fact, The Stealth Case is so clever, it does all the work for you!

Imagine this... Your spectator draws or writes anything on a business card. The card is placed within a stack of un-gimmicked business cards (this is a true stack of separate business cards, not a block with a hole in etc.)

Now, with no funny moves, the whole stack is placed in The Stealth Case. Your spectator sees you reach in and remove the top card from the stack. The Stealth Case is closed and given to your spectator to hold while you begin read their mind with 100% accuracy!

You will not believe how cool The Stealth Case is. The Stealth Case is perfect for almost any performing situation, and the whole process makes perfect sense!

Points to Remember:

1. Your spectator may write or draw anything they wish, taking up as much or as little of the card surface as they like

2. Their card is really put inside a stack of business cards (which may be examined)

3. The whole stack is now locked into a solid plastic case (No privacy film used, you really cannot see through the box. It's solid and may be shown on both sides!)

4. Once the effect is over, your spectator can remove their card from the center of the stack (it has not moved from where It was placed)

Steve Cook's The Stealth Case comes complete and ready to go, including all the props, a full tutorial DVD featuring routines and handlings by Peter Nardi and Dave Loosley. You also receive a registration code that will grant you access to bonus routines and handlings for this awesome gimmick totally FREE OF CHARGE!

The Stealth Case is something you will not leave home without. It truly is a masterpiece in Mentalism!


Customer reviews for The Stealth Case



Hi All... I noticed there were no reviews on The Stealth Case as yet, so I thought I would offer my own review on this awesome utility device!

As we magicians know, sometimes quotes from well-known magicians in the product description, and the overall hype built up surrounding a product or effect, can sometimes be a little counter productive for the 'everyday' magic consumer, with the performer realizing once the effect is received, it does not relate well to the everyday working requirements a lot of us have, in reference to angle restrictions, quick reset needs, what is involved to reset (in the open or privately), ease of use, and finally, whether it would truly suit an individual performer's repertoire, character, and style. This has, on the odd occasion, been my previous experience anyway.

Rest assured...!!! The Stealth Case is absolutely wicked in its creation, and completely compatible for the everyday worker's repertoire, demands, and varied performance environments.

Also, in this specific case... (The Stealth Case, in fact!) the hype and testimonies are actually accurate and meaningful, for they are merely a testament to the creative ingenuity and devilishly clever principles The Stealth Case incorporates, which are hidden in plain sight to all, but allow the performer to create miracles!

The Stealth Case is a powerful "peek" utility device. It allows you to reset instantly, or in just a couple of seconds (depending on your set-up), with reset able to be done either in front of your spectators, or casually as you walk between tables. You wouldn't even call it a "true reset", since this clever case handles a majority of the work for you seamlessly. All you have to do after each performance is "tidy up", ready for its next use!

Steve Cook, who has created so many masterful effects (many of which I own), has once again excelled himself, to create a sleek and professionally designed card case (which will fly under the radar of any audience member without question), whilst incorporating some of the most ingenious methodology to obtain one of easiest, stress-free peeks you could possibly dream of, whilst your audience are completely oblivious to the devilishly clever principles at play!

Variations and subtleties of how to use The Stealth Case can be chosen to match the exact environment you are working in, concerning things such as any possible angle restrictions (though the regular use "peek" angles are amazing, since so much work has gone into The Stealth Case's design), whether you are performing seated or standing, and of course the level of spectator involvement in handling the business cards and the case, with the spectator being able to place the business card they have drawn or written on (face down) back into the stack of business cards, square them all up, and then place the squared up pack of business cards back into the case and close the lid. Depending upon your routining and how you choose to work the effect, it can seriously be this level of "hands off" performance during this process.

I was fortunate enough to be aware of the online "Live Product Launch" and was one of the first few to buy this product. The Stealth Case is definitely, without question, now my "go to" utility device for any "peek" requirements. Performing it feels so fair within the blocking of movements and routining, that I now don't even place any subconscious "heat" on myself whilst exploiting the "peek" (if that makes sense!).

You also have the added bonus of providing your audience with an extremely interesting patter regarding the business cards supplied with The Stealth Case. The business cards are of Dr. J.B. Rhine, and you can explain the story of his initial research into Parapsychology, and using "test conditions", which you then proceed to emulate. Or, you have the option of using your own business cards with The Stealth Case, to create any routine you so desire.

One final point at add within this review:

I've read a lot of debate and queries on the Magic Cafe forum thread, specifically regarding "That Old Chestnut..." concerning "Do you have to open the case again to obtain your peek?"

To answer this honestly, as a performer who uses The Stealth Case, and who has watched all the accompanying tutorial videos supplied.... You have the option to do either!

There are 2 extra videos already available online, with the download code you receive upon purchase. The first video offers a few varied routines, nuances, handlings, and goes over the differences with supplied cards and your business cards for routines.

The second video is Dave Loosley's explanation and handling of how he obtains a clean and easy "peek" (using the 'creative ingenuity' of The Stealth Case), without having to open the case again once the cards are placed inside. This subtlety, when practiced, is so clean, there would be no "heat" on that given moment, as the misdirection is perfect. In fact, in watching Dave perform his version, prior to him explaining the process, his "peek" flew straight past me, undetected... twice!

Along with The Stealth Case, props and DVD supplied, you will receive a registration code, allowing you to access any new handlings or routines Alakazam Magic place online.

Just as importantly though, you will then be able to join a "Private - Closed Group" FaceBook forum page, dedicated solely to The Stealth Case, with ideas and videos on further variations of handling, alternate ways to "peek", and an array of routines and further ideas, from magicians sharing ideas and knowledge, from around the world. This is certainly a worthwhile aspect to get involved in.

Overall, The Stealth Case is quite simply an amazing piece of equipment, and an exceptional utility device well worth owning. Personally, I believe any performer using The Stealth Case will be smiling constantly 'on the inside' every time they use it, due to just how ingenious it is... I know I do!


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