Best Selling Magic Books Last Year

Let's take a look at the best magic books from last year.

When it comes to magic books, everyone has a different opinion about what is “best”. So rather than let subjectivity creep into this top ten list of magic books for 2024, this list is based on the numbers we actually sold.

So these are the most popular, best selling magic books from the last 12 months.

With that said, let’s get on with this definitive list of the best magic books we sold last year.

Particle System

With this beautiful, cloth-linen hardcover book, you’ll not only learn the ins and outs of the system Joshua Jay developed and has been using for decades, but also a variety of mind-blowing routines that take complete advantage of everything it has to offer. Everything is taught in expert detail alongside crystal-clear full color photographs.

Just be warned, once you read The Particle System, you’ll never want to use a deck of cards that isn’t in Particle Stack again!

Buy Particle System

All In

Across the more than 400 pages of these beautiful hardcover books, you’ll find nearly 90 professional routines and over 50 additional sleights and moves. Everything has been updated and edited with help from one of magic’s premiere authors, John Lovick. All of the crucial nuances and subtleties have been included alongside full-color photographs to enhance the learning experience. All In features a wide variety of amazing card tricks with optimized handlings that appeal to all types of magicians and skill levels.

Buy All In

The Definitive Sankey

What makes The Definitive Sankey so special is the variety of its content. There is a range of material for all types of magicians and skill levels—much of which doesn’t use playing cards.

Like tricks with borrowed bills? There are over 30 effects with borrowed bills.

How about mentalism? There are whole chapters devoted just to that subject, as well as full chapters on magic with rubber bands, coins, bills, finger rings, and more.

Jay also dives deep on restaurant magic, bar magic and other situational magic. It even includes Jay’s magic theory masterpiece Beyond Secrets to help you become a better overall magician.

There is still, of course, a ton of amazing card magic too. From over 70 impromptu card pieces to an entire chapter on the torn and restored plot, no stone is left unturned.

Buy The Definitive Sankey

The Nth Degree

John G shares 26 stunning new card tricks in this must-read magic book. Each routine has been refined and road-tested to reach the pinnacle of methodology and entertainment value. From interactive effects designed to get your audience actively involved to novel new approaches for four-of-a-kind effects, this fresh and sophisticated card magic caters to magicians of all skill levels and styles.

Buy The Nth Degree


This slim, but stunning book features seven card tricks that can be performed from a shuffled deck. The book’s unique value lies in demonstrating how to transform individual magic tricks into a cohesive, impactful 22-minute performance that builds to a stunning finale. Graham provides insights into seamlessly connecting classic tricks like the “Lazy Man’s Card Trick”, “Play It Straight”, and “Out of This World”, offering magicians a blueprint for creating more engaging magic acts. You can watch a full performance of all the tricks in the video below, so you can see exactly what you'll be getting.

Buy Afterglow