Cut No Cut Scissor

Trick by Mr. Magic
39.95 In stock.
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Cut No Cut Scissor

39.95 usd

Trick by Mr. Magic (39.95)

In stock.

The performer, holding a rope, hands over a pair of scissors to the spectator and asks her to cut the rope in the middle. The spectator fails to open the scissors. She exerts her full strength but cannot separate the blades. The performer takes the scissors and immediately opens the scissors without any extra effort. He now hands over the scissors, with the blades separated, to the spectator. But now she cannot cut the rope as she fails to close the scissors! Finally, the performer takes the scissors and cuts the rope.

This is done in a fun, comedic manner, so the spectator joins in the laughter.


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  • Adam asks: Is it easy to find a extra pair of scissors that look like the Cut No Cut scissors so the magician can use as a Do as I Do magic routine?.

    • 1. Brian P. answers: I would imagine you could buy two pair, so they would be matching. Since you now would know the secret, you’d be able to cut while the spectator could not. You could also switch scissors and say something like: “Well I was able to cut with my scissors, why don’t you give them a try.”
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The photo of the scissors above show the scissors that you get - feel free to investigate whether you can get a matching pair before your purchase.
    • 1. Brian P. answers: I would imagine you could buy two pair, so they would be matching. Since you now would know the secret, you’d be able to cut while the spectator could not. You could also switch scissors and say something like: “Well I was able to cut with my scissors, why don’t you give them a try.”
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