Magic by Mr. Magic

Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Red Accessory
Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Red
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 13.74

This crochet set includes four standard, handcrafted crochet balls and one "Chop Cup" ball. You'll love their vibrant colors! And, they perfectly...

Comedy Bulb Trick
Comedy Bulb
Trick by Mr. Magic - 5.69

Here's an item that produces lots of laughs, mystery, and magic! A self-lighting light bulb! You're in control of the bulb's lighting at all times....

Stiff Rope Accessory
Stiff Rope
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 5.75

This will remind you the famous Indian Rope Trick Illusion. You show a rolled up piece of rope. Now uncoiling the rope you stretch the rope...

Wooden Egg Accessory
Wooden Egg
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 1.60

This product is a very useful and versatile tool for any magician, and can be used in a variety of effects and ways. The egg is very realist for...

Spoon to Fork Trick
Spoon to Fork
Trick by Mr. Magic - 13.80

This is a wonderful transformation effect. You can perform this as a standalone trick or in combination with tricks like spoon bending etc. ...

Mental Epic Trick
Mental Epic
Trick by Mr. Magic - 36.80

The Mental Epic is a classic of magic mindreading. This trick uses a six section board. The mentalist secretly writes his/her predictions in the...

Breakaway Wand (Mr. Magic) Trick
Breakaway Wand (Mr. Magic)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 6.90

This is a true piece of comedy magic! You hand a volunteer a solid magic wand. As soon as you turn your back the wand breaks into pieces. You take...

Zig Zag Card Trick
Zig Zag Card
Trick by Mr. Magic - From $3.95

The performer shows a plastic frame having four windows. Three of these windows are on one side of the frame forming a vertical column while the...

Crochet 5 Ball combo Set White Accessory
Crochet 5 Ball combo Set White
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 11.44

This crochet set includes four standard, handcrafted crochet balls and one "Chop Cup" ball. You'll love their vibrant colors! And, they perfectly...

Super Pom Pom Stick Trick
Super Pom Pom Stick
Trick by Mr. Magic - 34.44

This is Super because there are TWO Pom Poms hanging on each end of the stick! The magician pulls a Pom Pom from one end, and a Pom Pom from the...

12in Linking Rings SS Trick
12in Linking Rings SS
Trick by Mr. Magic - 57.44

Linking Rings, when done right, are like poetry in motion. There are endless sequences and routines, and it's a rite of passage in magic. This is a...

Zombie Ball Trick
Zombie Ball
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.75

The performer covers a large silver ball with a beautiful cloth (supplied). The performer holds onto the cloth by the corners. Like magic, the...

Jewel Box Prediction Trick
Jewel Box Prediction
Trick by Mr. Magic - 25.00

A wooden box is introduced and then opened. Inside the box are six compartments. In each compartment, there are six Jewels of six different colors...

Atta Boy Trick
Atta Boy
Trick by Mr. Magic - 59.95

The original concept of this trick is credited to Jack Hughes. Effect: A wooden cutout of a bellboy is seen on the magician's table....

Forcing Shopping Bag Trick
Forcing Shopping Bag
Trick by Mr. Magic - 5.95

This is a very cleverly-designed shopping bag that allows you to force one item on the spectator without their knowledge. The objects can be seen...

Magicians' Rope 33' (Soft) Accessory
Magicians' Rope 33' (Soft)
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 5.00

Rope magic is an essential and interesting branch of magic. There are several interesting ways by which a magician can use a piece of rope....

Cups and Balls Accessory
Cups and Balls
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 29.95

The Cups and Balls is probably the oldest magic effect that we have come to know. A drawing of conjurers performing this classic is found inside the...

Sponge Production Dove Trick
Sponge Production Dove
Trick by Mr. Magic - 11.50

This realistic-looking dove is made out of sponge. It can be used for magical appearances, or be made to disappear! Everyone wants to see a magician...

Multiplying Juice Bottles Trick
Multiplying Juice Bottles
Trick by Mr. Magic - 69.95

A bottle of grape juice is covered with a cylinder, while a peg glass is covered with a similar cylinder. Some magic words are spoken, and when the...

Disecto Arm Chopper Painted Trick
Disecto Arm Chopper Painted
Trick by Mr. Magic - 86.19

This beautifully painted apparatus is ready to go for the classic chopping effect.A spectator can feel the blade, see the blade chop through a...

Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Blue Accessory
Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Blue
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 11.44

This crochet set includes four standard, handcrafted crochet balls and one "Chop Cup" ball. You'll love their vibrant colors! And, they perfectly...

Billet Box Trick
Billet Box
Trick by Mr. Magic - 20.00

This is a utility item that has many uses. We include some routines to get you started. Undoubtedly, you will come up with many more of your own....

Joker Tube Trick
Joker Tube
Trick by Mr. Magic - 19.95

You introduce three balls (red, yellow and green). You drop them one after another into the nested tube -- first the green ball, then the yellow...

Ball and Vase Trick
Ball and Vase
Trick by Mr. Magic - 20.00

The Performer shows a Ball Vase. The Ball Vase is opened, and a Ball is seen inside the vase. The Ball is withdrawn and placed into the pocket. The...

Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Yellow Accessory
Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Yellow
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 11.44

This crochet set includes four standard, handcrafted crochet balls and one "Chop Cup" ball. You'll love their vibrant colors! And, they perfectly...

Cotton Rope 50' (red) Trick
Cotton Rope 50' (red)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 17.25

Looking for thick, high-quality rope for your Cut and Restored or other rope routines? Mr. Magic Cotton Rope is the perfect solution! 50 feet (15.24...

Grandma's Necklace Trick
Grandma's Necklace
Trick by Mr. Magic - 4.95

Sometimes the oldies are just as effective today as they were many years ago, and we believe Grandma's Necklace is one of these...

Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Green Accessory
Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Green
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 11.44

This crochet set includes four standard, handcrafted crochet balls and one "Chop Cup" ball. You'll love their vibrant colors! And, they perfectly...

Cubio Brass Trick
Cubio Brass
Trick by Mr. Magic - 9.18

This little effect has been around in many different incarnations over the years. It's fun and fooling.You show a small brass cube threaded on a...

Ever Filling Glass (Locking) Trick
Ever Filling Glass (Locking)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 9.95

This model of the Ever Filling Glass has some special features. The outer visible glass is now made from a much tougher grade of plastic,...

Clear Penetration Trick
Clear Penetration
Trick by Mr. Magic - 3.16

The magician shows a clear plastic piece framed in on all sides by opaque plastic. A playing card is placed on the clear plastic piece. Surprisingly,...

Chop Cup Trick
Chop Cup
Trick by Mr. Magic - 20.00

This is the item that you were looking for! The Chop Cup will enable you to perform some identical and effective routine of classic Cups and Balls...

20th Century Silks by Mr. Magic Trick
20th Century Silks by Mr. Magic
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.69

Gorgeous rendition of a classic effect! Vanish a silk handkerchief. Then tie two other silk handkerchiefs together. Two participants pull on the two...

Magic Tea Pot Trick
Magic Tea Pot
Trick by Mr. Magic - 35.00

It looks like a normal teapot, but what until you see what it can do. You'll be able to fill five glasses with its contents, but each glass will fill...

Midas Pot Trick
Midas Pot
Trick by Mr. Magic - 27.95

Using the pot of King Midas, you can cause transformations limited only by your imagination. Change coffee beans into coffee, corn into popcorn,...

Ball To Dice Trick
Ball To Dice
Trick by Mr. Magic - 12.00

The magician shows two sponge balls, one yellow and one black -- one in each hand. The black ball is placed over the yellow ball into one closed...

Cut No Cut Scissor Trick
Cut No Cut Scissor
Trick by Mr. Magic - 39.95

The performer, holding a rope, hands over a pair of scissors to the spectator and asks her to cut the rope in the middle. The spectator fails to...

Passe Passe Dice Trick
Passe Passe Dice
Trick by Mr. Magic - 35.00

The magician displays a hat, and places a large, solid die into it. He then shows two rectangular tubes. He shows them empty by inserting his hand...

Card Castle Trick
Card Castle
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.69

Card Castle is a wonderful magic effect. It is easy to perform and will amaze any audience. Effect: The magician throws some cards on...

Appearing Neon Light Accessory
Appearing Neon Light
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 12.00

A full-size neon light is produced from a much smaller production apparatus or from a small lady's bag. Looks perplexing and amazing! Note:...

Comedy Funnel Trick
Comedy Funnel
Trick by Mr. Magic - 17.25

Here's a guaranteed laugh getter! Call a volunteer onstage and have them drink some water. Then place this funnel by their ear, or elbow, or...

Snapper Trick
Trick by Mr. Magic - 1.72

This is a classic that has stood the test of time! Show your spectator a device whereby you insert a plunger into a tube and catch a rubber band on...

Color Changing Silk Scarf Trick
Color Changing Silk Scarf
Trick by Mr. Magic - 11.44

The performer is shown holding a beautiful blue scarf in his hand. The performer closes his hand into a fist and pulls the scarf through but when...

Evaporating Milk Glass (with handle) Trick
Evaporating Milk Glass (with handle)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 11.44

The performer forms a paper cone using a sheet of newspaper. From a transparent jug he pours milk into the paper cone, leaving a little quantity in...

Chick Pan (Aluminium) Trick
Chick Pan (Aluminium)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.69

'Chick Pan' is a miniature version of classic 'Dove Pan' tricks, so that it is suitable for smaller size shows. After showing the pan empty you...

Sucker Card Box Jumbo Trick
Sucker Card Box Jumbo
Trick by Mr. Magic - 45.94

A perfect trick for children, but with a different presentation, it's fun for adults, too! Show a wooden frame having two doors. Place a jumbo card...

Water Bowls (Plastic) Trick
Water Bowls (Plastic)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 15.00

The magician is seen to be holding two bowls, one in each hand, staring at the sky as if praying to God for water. A little later it is seen that...

You Do As I Do Plumes Trick
You Do As I Do Plumes
Trick by Mr. Magic - 9.95

A very funny and magical moment in your show! Show a beautiful feather plume and place it inside your magic wand. Hand another set to your volunteer,...

Multiplying Golf Balls (White) Trick
Multiplying Golf Balls (White)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 5.75

Here is a great twist on the classic 'Multiplying Ball' routine. This classic can now be done with golf balls! Designed rough surfaces of...

Zig Zag Pencil Trick
Zig Zag Pencil
Trick by Mr. Magic - 8.05

The classic magic apparatus is back! Show an unbroken pencil and place it into its case, only to show it broken into 3 pieces when you move the...

Cigarette Through Card - Bicycle Back Trick
Cigarette Through Card - Bicycle Back
Trick by Mr. Magic - 5.69

Imagine removing a card from a Bicycle deck, and then pushing a cigarette right through it! Half of the cigarette is on one side of the card, and the...

Flexible Mirror Trick
Flexible Mirror
Trick by Mr. Magic - 20.25

The performer displays a large framed mirror. He taps the mirror with a magic wand proving that it is solid. It is then placed into an...

Duck Pan Trick
Duck Pan
Trick by Mr. Magic - 91.94

Duck Pan is a large version of the classic Dove Pan which of course is used for a stage performance. Effect: The magician displays a large empty...

Linking Key Puzzle Trick
Linking Key Puzzle
Trick by Mr. Magic - 4.95

A real puzzler!! Show a pair of keys that are linked together. Your spectator will try and try to separate them, with no luck at all. Then you take...

Giant Feather Fantasy Trick
Giant Feather Fantasy
Trick by Mr. Magic - 65.00

Here's a wonderful way to cause multiple magical changes and thrill your audience! You place a plume inside a decorated tube. Even though the tube...

Multicolor Rope Link 24
Multicolor Rope Link 24"
Trick by Mr. Magic - 4.95

A true baffler for adults and children alike. You tie the ends together of three different-colored ropes, and with a magical wave of the hand,...

Umbrella Production Silk Trick
Umbrella Production Silk
Trick by Mr. Magic - 39.95

The performer is seen holding four different colored silks by their corners in his hand. He shows all four of the silks separately, one by one....

Control Reel Trick
Control Reel
Trick by Mr. Magic - 11.44

There are several effects which can be performed with the reel. You can consult the "Encyclopedia of Silk" or any other book on reel for different...

Metamorpho Spots Trick
Metamorpho Spots
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.69

The magician displays an empty black can with white spots, and two silks - one black, and another white. "This is a white silk dyed black, and...

Sand Frame Deluxe Trick
Sand Frame Deluxe
Trick by Mr. Magic - 45.94

Imagine this. You begin the effect by showing an empty frame. Vanish your spectator's selected card and it ends up being inside the frame! You can...

Color Changing Wand Trick
Color Changing Wand
Trick by Mr. Magic - 3.43

Hold a brightly-colored magic wand (with gold tips) in your hand, and use it during your show. Either point at an object, or wave it in the air --...

Erector Table Accessory
Erector Table
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 49.95

Here's a good-looking table that immediately shouts "Serious Magician" to your audience. While being solid and portable, it also conveys...

Rattle Box (Coin) Trick
Rattle Box (Coin)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 22.94

The magician places a coin or ring inside a wooden box which is closed with the sliding lid. The magician may shake the box to make sure the coin or...

Break Away Rose Trick
Break Away Rose
Trick by Mr. Magic - 7.00

The Break Away Rose is a great and funny comedy item. When held casually in your hand, it appears to be JUST A ROSE ON A STEM. But the moment you...

20th Century Balloon Silk Frame Trick
20th Century Balloon Silk Frame
Trick by Mr. Magic - 80.44

Show a beautiful wooden frame empty inside and is open, front and back. Blow up a balloon (e.g., yellow) and place it inside the frame. Take two...

Zig Zag Lady Trick
Zig Zag Lady
Trick by Mr. Magic - 3.95

The performer shows a plastic frame having four windows. Three of these windows are on one side of the frame forming a vertical column while the...

Candy Factory Trick
Candy Factory
Trick by Mr. Magic - 20.70

The Performer shows a beautiful, empty cylinder and a glass full of colored sugar or Liquid. The Performer then passes the glass through the...

Ultra Visual Color Changing Feather Trick
Ultra Visual Color Changing Feather
Trick by Mr. Magic - 9.14

Looking for a unique color change? This apparatus allows you to change the colors of feathers with a simple pass of you hand. Amazing visual magic...

Acrobatic Bottle Trick
Acrobatic Bottle
Trick by Mr. Magic - 57.44

You cleanly show you have one bottle and one empty tube. The tube is 100% completely empty! The bottle is placed on your hand and covered with the...

Duck to Rabbit Silk Accessory
Duck to Rabbit Silk
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 13.80

Show a brightly colored silk that has the image of a rabbit on it. With a few magic words and a magical gesture, the image instantly changes into a...

Indian Sweet Vase Trick
Indian Sweet Vase
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.75

This switching device is brimming with possibilities. Transform silks to crayons, sawdust to wood, or anything else you can dream up! Your audience...

Dragon Puppet Trick
Dragon Puppet
Trick by Mr. Magic - 15.00

Here's a puppet loaded with personality just by looking at it! Your arm goes into the sleeve, and your hand goes into its face, allowing you to open...

Monster Puppet Trick
Monster Puppet
Trick by Mr. Magic - 15.00

Here's a puppet loaded with personality just by looking at it! Your arm goes into the sleeve, and your hand goes into its face, allowing you to open...

Magic Change Bag (Zipper) Trick
Magic Change Bag (Zipper)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 20.70

This is one of the most important utility devices used by a magician. You will have the ability to perform endless number of magical effects with...

Plate Thru Wrists Trick
Plate Thru Wrists
Trick by Mr. Magic - 65.00

A frame and a plate with two holes are shown. The plate is raised and both wrists of a spectator are inserted in the holes provided in the frame....

Production Spring Ball Accessory
Production Spring Ball
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 6.84

Magicians use this ball for production purposes. You can produce this from a lantern ball, mirror box, triangular box, genii tube, etc. ...

Dove Frame (Photo) Trick
Dove Frame (Photo)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 89.95

This effect is highly visual and surprising. It is perfect for stage magic and is completely angle-proof. Effect: The magician is seen...

Color Changing Doll House Trick
Color Changing Doll House
Trick by Mr. Magic - 95.00

The performer displays a square tube with yellow borders. He lifts and tilts it to show the tube totally empty. He replaces the tube on the...

Keller Coin Catcher Accessory
Keller Coin Catcher
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 11.50

Have you ever wished you could produce coins out of thin air? Now you can! This device enables you to reach into the air and have a coin appear at...

Aqua Change Vase (Aluminium) Trick
Aqua Change Vase (Aluminium)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 28.69

Here is an excellent apparatus to change liquid into a solid object. The performer shows a metal vase. This is shown to be empty. A glass of...

Bottle Production Box Trick
Bottle Production Box
Trick by Mr. Magic - 75.00

The performer introduces a rectangular wooden box with a hole on top. He turns the box to show its front and back. He opens the back door and...

Auto Change Mirror Tube Trick
Auto Change Mirror Tube
Trick by Mr. Magic - 29.95

Here's a magical way to change several objects into different objects! Show a beautiful, cylindrical tube to be empty. Place several silk scarves of...

Clear Production Flatland Trick
Clear Production Flatland
Trick by Mr. Magic - 29.95

A surprising and magical production of TWO Umbrellas! Unroll a scroll of clear plastic and hold it in front of you - you can easily be seen through...

Magic Change Bag (Repeat) Trick
Magic Change Bag (Repeat)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 25.30

This is one of the most important utility devices used by a magician. You will have the ability to perform endless number of magical effects with...

Astro Sphere Trick
Astro Sphere
Trick by Mr. Magic - From $24.95

A glittery large ball floats in all directions without any visible means or support. It floats in front of a semi transparent cloth. The ball floats...

Bag to Card (XXL) Trick
Bag to Card (XXL)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 57.44

Bag to card trick is presented in a new way. Effect: A spectator selects a card and remembers it and can show it to the audience. The card is...

Crystal Flash Appearance Box Trick
Crystal Flash Appearance Box
Trick by Mr. Magic - 63.25

Nothing is quite as startling as a flash production. And yet the Crystal Flash Appearance Box will let you do just that. A seemingly empty box...

Mini Triangular Box Trick
Mini Triangular Box
Trick by Mr. Magic - 22.94

Another classic production apparatus. Although a triangular box is shown empty, you can produce a variety of items, including silks, flowers,...

Big Ultra Feather Trick
Big Ultra Feather
Trick by Mr. Magic - 14.00

Colored feathers change colors as you simply pass your hand over them. Looks amazing!

Classic Botania Jumbo Trick
Classic Botania Jumbo
Trick by Mr. Magic - 80.00

The magician shows an empty tube open at both ends and then places it on a flat wooden base. He drops a flower dart in it or sprinkles some...

Shrinking Cigarette Trick
Shrinking Cigarette
Trick by Mr. Magic - 5.75

This is a classic close-up item newly made, which will lead to great astonishment for close-up audiences. The performer goes to light a...

Zombie with Stand Trick
Zombie with Stand
Trick by Mr. Magic - 40.00

Zombie is a classic magic effect where a large glittering ball floats up and down on a cloth and sometimes vanishes in an aerial manner. Varying from...

Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Multi Color Accessory
Crochet 5 Ball combo Set Multi Color
Accessory by Mr. Magic - 9.95

This crochet set includes four standard, handcrafted crochet balls and one "Chop Cup" ball. You'll love their vibrant colors! And, they perfectly...

16in x 15in Silk Dove Trick
16in x 15in Silk Dove
Trick by Mr. Magic - 10.00

You can do so much with this elegant silk dove print. Vanish a dove, and its likeness later appears on this silk that you magically produce. Or...

Growing Die Large Trick
Growing Die Large
Trick by Mr. Magic - 2.30

With this effect, you blow your audience away by either having a large die continually shrink in size, OR perform in the reverse manner, having a...

Color Changing Rose Trick
Color Changing Rose
Trick by Mr. Magic - 10.00

The performer shows a beautiful yellow rose. He then turns the rose completely around to show all sides. Next, the performer slowly and magically...

Finger Flower Production Trick
Finger Flower Production
Trick by Mr. Magic - 9.20

The performer magically produces different colored flowers, one at a time from bare hands, causing an effective colorful opening to his/her...

Floating Lady Trick
Floating Lady
Trick by Mr. Magic - 5.00

This is one of the best close-up miracles ever developed. Perform it right under the noses of the spectators and watch their reaction. You...

Disc Escape (Brass) Trick
Disc Escape (Brass)
Trick by Mr. Magic - 24.95

A classic close-up effect, Disc Escape is now available in this exquisite brass finish sure to last a lifetime. For those unfamiliar with...

Block Go Escape Trick
Block Go Escape
Trick by Mr. Magic - 19.95

Effect: The magician displays a wooden box that has two lids on opposite sides. One of the lids has six horizontal slots to allow a slight view of...