Jewel Box Prediction

Trick by Mr. Magic
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Jewel Box Prediction

25.00 usd

Trick by Mr. Magic (25.00)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

A wooden box is introduced and then opened. Inside the box are six compartments. In each compartment, there are six Jewels of six different colors fixed on six wooden blocks. The performer requests any member of the audience to select a jewel of any color from among those six Jewels. Suppose that the spectator selects the red jewel on top of the block. The block with the red jewel is withdrawn from the compartment for a moment, and then replaced in that same compartment. The box is closed. Now the performer pulls a drawer from the front of the box. It is seen that there is a replica of a red jewel inside the drawer. The spectator's selection was successfully predicted!


Customer reviews for Jewel Box Prediction



Beautifully Made, ingenious method, excellent price.


Community questions about Jewel Box Prediction

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  • Mark asks: What are the dimensions of the box?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: 3.2" x 6.0" x 3.2"
  • Donald asks: Is this quiet enough for parlor/private party use?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes.
  • Cuong asks: Is this examinable by the spectator?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately not.
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