Bob Neale's Everyone Symbol Deck

Deck of cards by Robert Neale and Larry Hass
39.95 In stock.
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Bob Neale's Everyone Symbol Deck

39.95 usd

Deck of cards by Robert Neale and Larry Hass (39.95)

In stock.

About the Everyone Symbol Deck

Robert Neale's whole-audience routine "Just Imagine" was published in the celebrated 2021 book, Magic Inside Out. The routine requires a deck of 32 cards with symbols on them-symbols that just about anyone will immediately recognize and understand.

To supplement Magic Inside Out, co-author, editor, and publisher Larry Hass commissioned Kiva Singh to create the artwork for this deck of cards. This remarkable deck, printed on high-quality stock, is now widely available for purchase.

The Everyone Symbol Deck will allow you to perform "Just Imagine," and also "Partners in Possibility" from Bob Neale's latest book, The Magic of Hope. You also will find the Deck useful for other magic and mentalism routines that will become stronger by using symbols rather than ordinary playing cards.

This package includes TWO copies of the 32-card Everyone Symbol Deck.

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