Out of Sight

Trick by Joshua Jay
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4.9 | 66 reviews

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Out of Sight

74.99 usd

Trick by Joshua Jay (74.99)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

For months--ever since Joshua Jay fooled Penn & Teller with "Out of Sight," customers have been emailing us every day, asking when it will finally be ready. Friends, we have news for you. It's ready!

The reason it took so long is that each deck takes nearly an hour to craft, by hand. All the cards are custom-printed, and the deck allows someone to think of ANY card in a deck. You tell them what card they thought of, you find their card, and ALL THE OTHER CARDS ARE BLANK.

Rarely does an effect come about that has a logical, intriguing presentation woven into the magic itself. In "Out of Sight" you explore what it would be like to perform magic for a blind person.

The effect is also ENTIRELY self-working. As in, there is not a single move in the entire routine. Once you understand how the deck works, the effect performs itself. You're just there to present it.

Package includes blindfold, instructional DVD, and "Out of Sight" deck.


Customer reviews for Out of Sight



Great!! I wear glasses ans with this explanation I will have no problem on performing Out of Sight!!



That was really helpful! Thanks Jay.



I was the first to show Josh the John Lovick trick back in 2003, and he didn't know about it ha ha! He made it 10 times more powerful! BRAVO



It´s an amazing trick, like the magician. The tutorial is perfect and such as a beautiful effect.



Amazing trick!!!



this trick is amazing. combined with the story it is really great. every move is thoughtfull. a lot of experience were put into this. it is a very strong card trick!! The blindfold is a perfect idea. It is no ordinary card trick – it is indeed very special!!



This is a lovely routine, not least because of its focus on the visually impaired. My eyesight is not so good these days so I need the cards to be a bit closer to me than on the table. I shall 'feel' the cards quite openly - the routine lends itself to different presentational adaptations. The finish is so strong, and the kicker climax so surprising, it adds to the likelihood that spectators will have difficulty reverse engineering what just happened. Recommended.



Fabulous. The other reviews have said it all. I’ll just add a possible refinement. A small point, but what is the logic for having the card thought of in two stages: first number than suit? Asking someone to “think” of something, especially something numerical lights up only one small region of the brain - the parietal lobe. I’m going to try and find your card through a kind of echo location so we need to light up as many regions of the brain as possible. So instead of having you think of a card I’d like you to create one step by step.

First, imagine that you are holding a card between your thumb and first finger. You can feel the thickness of the card, maybe even the edge of the card pressing into your thumb. This activates your sensory cortex. Now let’s give tour brain a little surprise. Imagine looking at the card only to discover it’s completely blank. Can you see that? We’ve now lit up your visual cortex. Next, in the upper and lower corners of the card I want you to imagine the number appearing. As you think of that number the parietal lobe lights up as well. Finally, on the rest of the card, you see the pips of the suit appear. Maybe they materialize one at a time or pop into view all at once. Whether you’re imagining clubs, hearts, spades or diamonds - visualizing shapes lights up the inferior temporal cortex. That’s quite a beautiful rainbow display we’ve activated, but I’d like to add one more color.

I want you to share the card you have created with everyone else by very quietly counting first the to the table the number of cards representing the value of the card, and then the number of cards indicating the suit (following Josh’s instructions.) every time you place a card on the table I’d like everyone to imagine hearing the tolling of a grandfather clock. This lights up the auditory cortex. With this level excited brain activity we should now be ready to reveal your mentally created card.



this was a wonderful performance and explination of an amazing special deck of cards that allows you to perform this incrediable affect !



"Out of Sight" is not just another card trick; it's a story piece of card magic that transcends the boundaries of conventional routines. Since its inception, it has garnered immense anticipation, fueled by its remarkable performance on Penn & Teller's renowned stage.

It sounds like each deck has been made by hand. Custom-printed cards pave the way for an experience like no other, where spectators are invited to think of any card in the deck. What follows is pure magic – you not only divine their chosen card but also reveal a stunning revelation: all the other cards are mysteriously blank.

What sets "Out of Sight" apart is its seamless integration of a compelling narrative. Delving into the perspective of performing magic for a blind person, it adds a layer of depth and intrigue to the performance, elevating it beyond mere illusion. Personally, I adapted it to fit my character and narrative and utilized the concept.

But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of "Out of Sight" is its simplicity. Completely self-working, this routine requires no sleight of hand or intricate maneuvers. Once you grasp the mechanics of the deck, the magic practically performs itself, leaving you free to focus on delivering a captivating presentation.

My personal experience with "Out of Sight" has been nothing short of extraordinary. Performing it in a parlor setting on stage, the reactions from the audience were nothing short of awe-inspiring. I acquired this gem back in 2016, and since then, it has been a staple in my repertoire, offering endless opportunities for adaptation and personalization.

The package includes everything you need to get started – from a blindfold to an instructional DVD and, of course, the "Out of Sight" deck itself. Whether you're a seasoned magician or a budding enthusiast, this is a must-have addition to your collection.

In conclusion, "Out of Sight" is a triumph of innovation and ingenuity in the world of card magic. Its blend of artistry, narrative, and simplicity makes it a standout among its peers, ensuring an unforgettable experience for both performer and audience alike.



If you want to really WOW your audience and feel like a real pro, GET THIS. This is how magic should be/look like. So clever!! great magic trick and routine. In my view this is a closer!! Not sure what else you can offer after this one (I cannot think of anything). It is that good.

Quality: 9.5
Method: 10
Teaching: 10
Reactions: 10
Inspectability: 7

What else?

No sleight, good sight probably a plus (but Joshua got you covered anyways), minimum audience management required, and please practice to honor this powerful magical routine!



One of my favorite trick so far! Method was very clever and slay people.





Beautiful trick, works just as demonstrated if you take the time to master it. Like another reviewer, I do it sans blindfold, as I need reading glasses to make out the marks and so it doesn't work for me trying to look straight down at the cards under the blind as I'm looking under my glasses as well. But it's just as impressive without the blindfold; you just have to come up with your own patter for "finding" the chosen card.



Excellent advice & review of out of sight.
After watching Joshua review the card trick and demonstrate the trick with spectators surrounding him, it gives an performer much confidence.
As they say - practice, patience and loyalty pays.
Winston NE Magician



Thank you Thank you Thank you
You never disappoint.
The meticulous working out of the sequence and the script kind of brings tears to my eyes.
Although I find this video very satisfying I’m a bit of a pig so I have one more thought/request. I’ve see you reveal that the deck is revealed as made up of transparencies which to me is more startling for a moment but not necessarily a better trick. Do you sell both decks? If so I’m ready to buy.
Thank you Joshua and thank you Lucy.



I like this trick, as with many people I saw this on fool us and had to get the trick. I do a variation of it without the blindfold. I do have one warning be careful of water if the cards get any bit of water on them it can cause issues. But overall I like how this is set up and it is so fun to do.



Wasn’t expecting the wonder I received.
More than that, a lot of fun!



Sure, it’s a very expensive card trick but it’s so much more. The cards are very well made and the routine will blow people away. A+


Brian E

Fantastic!..... I wad afraid I couldn't do it noe that my eyes need reading glasses. Thanks for this out Josh


Juan Ramon



Fantastic! Brilliant! Worth every bit of 10 years of work. Another VANISHING INC.work of ART!





An absolutely stunning trick. Joshua gives fantastic explanations and is a wonderful teacher. I can't wait to get out and perform this one!



I’m ordering a backup deck right now!
This effect is definitely going into my Keepers Arsenal.
Thank you for this brilliantly engineered, exquisitely taught and beautiful new miracle.
I also love having the DVD as well as the online video.
“Bravo” to all involved!



First things first, this deck/effect has been ingeniously made and Joshua has thought of an absolute blinder here - let's get that right !!

I love Joshua's presentations and explanations in his videos and he always explains it in plain English - no gibberish or hard to understand words/phrases are used which is always an added bonus

One of the people that left a review (Gary) said that this deck is not examinable - that is a load of rubbish and he doesn't know what he's talking about or he has poor management skills because 99% of laypeople will never know how this is done and maybe he needs to work on his management skills if he thinks that

For me, this is value for money, well thought out and cleverly designed





This routine feels very special. I get goosebumps while performing it for people because it just seems to be so impossible. I will say that I have modified the handling since I wear glasses and the suggestion Joshua makes didn't really work for me. I got creative and used some things I learned from Woody Aragon's "Foolish Cheater" (by applying some R&S to some cards) so that I could do the entire routine completely blind, without looking. The result is astonishing. People have audibly gasped when I turn over the card to show that it is their thought of card. Love this so much!



Anything from Joshua Jay is just pure genius! It's well worth the price, time and investment to put in your repertoire. I can't wait to blow peoples minds with this genius and sleight of hand free miracle. Why are you still reading this, just go buy it!



Killer trick! I can't believe Josh released it to the magic community!



The first time I saw this on Fool Us I was shocked! So impressed. I couldn't believe right after his TV appearance he would make the decision of releasing the effect out. And he did! I already bought two of them and perform it every time I have the chance to. Great reputation maker!





Always loved this effect, from the first time I saw Joshua perform this on Fool Us until the demo video appeared on Vanishing Inc. When it was out of stock, I thought I had missed it. Now, after learning the diabolical working AND performing it, I am enamored with the true wonder it provokes in my audiences. Thanks, Josh and Card Shark.





This is a wonderful trick. I will have to praktice now but I am really looking forward to do this trick infront of my friends. I really want to recomend this trick for all the magicians out there.



Excellent..great explanation



Relatively easy to perform
Quality made, special manufactured gaffed deck
Wonderful storyline and multi phased plot which you can adapt.
The impact is fantastic and will fool the majority of people.
Super kicker ending.

It’s quite expensive.
It’s a one trick deck.
The deck is not examinable.

Overall: Ok, so it’s quite expensive but the “trick” is quite simply outstanding. wonderful routine by Josh which builds to an incredible finale.





I had to have this after seeing it on fool us, when it was offered, even though I wear glasses this was covered in a update. Explained well, a must have



Got the trick last week and amazing the video step by step with joshua is amazing he really is great highly recommend you buy this worth every penny thanks joshua



No wonder Penn and Teller had no clue. This is wonderful! I have glasses so no blindfold for me but.....as soon as I unfolded it one of the elastic straps came off. Not good for someone who really needs it. Not me thankfully. Otherwise buy this now!



This. Is. Brilliant!!



I never really do reviews for anything but this deserved one for sure. I opened up the trick and looked at it and was curious because I couldn’t even see the “secret”. Then I watched the video and learned that it was in front of me the whole time. So well constructed and it is a very nice routine. I will definitely bring this to my next parlor or stage show. The trick is definitely with the price.



Love this trick. I don't use the method taught in the tutorial. I use 3 audience members to:
1. Pick a number
2. Choose red or black
3. Choose the suit
Then give them the option to change.

It blows their minds every time that their card is the only card in the deck



I do this with glasses, so no blind fold, and it is still brilliant! Sometimes I don't even get them to count out the cards, I just say, 'What was the card you thought of?' as if I'm having difficulty 'reading' them. Of course, when theirs is the only card in a blank deck, it blows their minds.



Just totally worth it - so so easy to perform (I take the blindfold off a lot earlier than Joshua does, and, the trick still kills)



Joshua, this is amazing. This is one of the greatest cardtrick.



This is great well worth the money.



I just bought the effect yesterday, and viewed the online tutorial today. I love the method to this effect. I actually just wanted to buy the deck, because his October 2016 At The Table teaches the effect. But Overall, the $49.99 value, you should totally get it! Before the price is increased. So come on and buy the trick, it's all worth the money.

I was inspired to buy this effect because of Josh's appreance on Fool Us. The effect was so clean, so good. When I learned how the effect was done, I was baffled even more!! I showed Josh's performance to my friends, they were also fooled.

I really hope my order would come ASAP, so I can perform and baffle my friends????

Totally worth it! The money and time.

I believe that whatever I wrote is how I feel just waiting for the package Hahaha!



The Deck is real smooth, Great job card shark, in this tutorial video includes all the details about the deck and specially how to perform it, thank you very much Josh.



amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Greatest trick yet. Fools everyone. You have to by this.



Out of Sight is powerful because of the magic and the emotion. I got mine yesterday (via Card Shark) and performed it a few hours later. I present it as a way for all people to enjoy - including those that might be blind or deaf. I am one who is hard of hearing in one ear and had a cornea transplant in one eye. So, I've spent a lot of time in hospital clinics. Well, this is my set up! I talk about watching all the patients in the waiting rooms... and wondering how many of them who can't see or hear could enjoy magic...etc. I present Out of Sight with the recurring lines of "don't talk and I won't look" etc. Getting the spectator's card is when they think the trick is over... then you knock em out with the ending of all blanks! Please limit this to a set number of decks sold (LOL). I can't believe Joshua released this to the public! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!



Very nice package
Presentation and method was perfect
Thanks Joshua



Wow! Just wow! Having performed professionally as a trade show magician, close up magician and corporate speaker for more than 35 years, I thought I knew how to use magic to tell a compelling story. Joshua took me to school with this beautiful effect. If you're a hobbyist, this will improve your magic and scripting. If you're a pro, this is GOLD. It's going right into my new one-man show. Thank you SO much for sharing this and props to Christian for the incredible deck!



From the very best mind this young man has gone into the art with an open mind now you can get see some thing cool that got use think how did he do it! Now you can rock the room too.. This been a long time coming and now he has it just right and perhaps even the best think of any card that the world has ever seen be for David vernon stared the road but Joshua Jay have ended up with some thing that is highly effective for any one well designed and family fun this what being a magician master means!



I picked this up at Magi-Fest earlier this year and it is by far one of the best tricks in my repertoire. It is simple but powerful. I absolutely love it.



There is not a rating that can go with this trick! Buy it, it will be worth it!



I watched Josh fool Penn and Teller on TV and I had seen his teaching of this on his UNREAL DVD set. So I was delighted to be able to buy an advance copy of this trick at Session 16 in January. It is everything the ad says it is. A fantastic product that I recommend with enthusiasm.



Fool Us is why I bought this. If it was good enough to fool Penn and Teller... c'mon.

Josh Jay has created a really good routine with Out of Sight. But it's not without problems/cons.

The biggest problem for me is the blindfold approach. I get that it aids the presentation and story but it makes it rather hard to go about successfully doing the method.

Also the fact that the deck isn't Bicycle is a bummer. Not a fan of Phoenix. All my other decks are Bicycle. This stands out like a sore thumb. Probably just my OCD talking.

The examinable aspect of this isn't an issue to me. Josh covers how he makes it seem totally examinable and "normal" to a layperson.

Overall, once this comes back in stock, Out of Sight is definitely going to work for many performers. I just don't think I'm one of those performers. Either way, I was happy to support Josh and his work.



Very clever effect. The deck is well made as would be expected since it is produced by Card Shark. It does take a little practice to be able to decipher the gimmick. I find it more difficult if it is in low light so I would recommend checking your performing conditions before doing the effect.



1. The deck is neat and well made. You can't really buy or DIY such kind of deck anywhere.
2. The method is new and clean. It combines mentalism and visual part.
3. Fooler. No matter for magicians and laymans.
4. Easy handling.

1. Expensive! I know this deck is well design, and you can't but it anywhere. But this deck can only do this trick. The similar price deck I have is "destiny deck". However, destiny deck product teaches you 5-10 more tricks.
2. You need professional audience management. Once your audience is dumb, the trick is over.



Lovely trick and beautifully manufactured stock. Can be used for so many other tricks - great value.The blindfold option is not, as explained by Josh, the only presentation and I will be looking to put my own slant on this. The blindfold itself is disappointing if you need it.



Very nice effect, however, if you wear glasses for near vision, the blind fold can't be used. You will be unable to present the effect as Joshua did on Penn and Teller. There is an alternate presentation link that you can get that shows how to perform without the blind fold, but it is like a B movie compared to the blind fold presentation, IMO. Disappointing.



Thought the video on wearing glasses was pretty weak. Comments like "the cards are upside down anyway," don't add anything to the explanation. After splitting the deck into 3 piles, what about looking through the last few cards (where the key cards were buried by placing the deck on top). Doesn't that draw suspicion? Better if we were given actual demonstrations of the presentations with different ways to handle the glasses issue.



I have to say, I am sold by the method (which still was a little overpriced) but I was displeased with the quality of the deck.


Community questions about Out of Sight

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • One asks: Does this set need any extra card? Do we need to have separate blank or normal Phoenix deck?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You receive everything you need.
  • Carl asks: Are refills available? I want another deck with out having to buy the trick again. Because of the nature of the cards I’ve already damaged mine. I think that releasing the deck won’t expose the method of the trick.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The cost of producing a trick like Out of Sight is all in the deck. Therefore, refill decks just aren't economical at this stage, I'm afraid. But we continue to look at ways to make them available.
  • Peter asks: Can the gimmick break? And how long lasting is it?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a gimmicked deck of cards, so will last a long time if you treat it with love, care, and respect.
  • Glenn asks: Is the deck bicycle or something else??

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The deck is Phoenix back.
  • HJ Skip asks: How involved is the reset and can it be performed for a second person in a group once reset?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The reset is quick and easy. You could perform it with 20 or so seconds reset.
  • Dustin asks: i wear glasses can i still do this with taking them off to put on blindfold

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Josh talks about performing with glasses in a second video, which is included in your purchase.
    • 2. Paul answers: There is certainly a way to do it truly blinded.
  • Euan asks: Can the deck be freely examined after you show the whole deck is blank?

    • 1. Simon answers: But, when performing for Penn & Teller, he gave the entire deck to the spectator at the end which seemed to imply that all the cards could be examined.
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can allow some of the cards to be examined. The examination of the rest of the deck is implied.
    • 1. Simon answers: But, when performing for Penn & Teller, he gave the entire deck to the spectator at the end which seemed to imply that all the cards could be examined.
  • Stanley asks: Where can I get blank double deckers?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are custom printed for Out of Sight, and are not available otherwise.
  • David asks: Do these come in standard index? Is large index available for this?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Standard index.
  • Yoel asks: Is this a difficult trick for a beginner or novice

    • 1. Adam answers: I’m answering to simon, if you watch the penn and teller performance again you will see that Joshua manages the spectators perfectly, and at the end he hands them a feed cards from and some from bottom, what I’m saying is as long as you manage and controls spectators and give them a few cards to touch at the end the rest of the pack is forgotten and they will think they’ve examined everything??
    • 2. James answers: I would not recommend it for s complete beginner or novice.
    • 3. Andrew answers: Hi. I've just received my purchase of Out of Sight. I wear glasses and bought this trick due to an answer here saying that this is explained in a second video - I can't find the second video lol. Can you put me in the right direction please. Thanks
    Post an answer to this question
  • Ben asks: How difficult is this trick to perform? I am half way through Card College volume 1 to give you a rough indicator of my current ability. I don't want to buy a trick that I am not ready for, but I also don't want to miss out on the opportunity to get it either.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: As long as you practice it you should be fine. There are no difficult sleights in this, it's mainly down to the way you present it and the instructions you give your spectator.
  • Jeffrey asks: Can the deck be examine at the end of trick.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: When performed properly, no one asks to examine the deck at the end.
  • Yves asks: Is there an online access to the video or is it only DVD?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is online.
  • Daniel asks: I formerly performed magic (SAM Assembly 69) but due to a series of injuries in the Army, I stopped practicing/performing. I would like to get back into magic. Unfortunately, I have had to have both of my thumbs rebuilt and my ability to do sleight of hand is in the range of difficult to impossible. The trick looks amazing but how difficult is the sleight of hand involved in performing since no deck switch is used?.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This trick is almost self-working
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This trick is almost self-working
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This trick is almost self-working
  • Konrad asks: Is there a handling for Out Of Sight that does not require a blindfold?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: There is handling for people wearing glass without the blindfold
    Post an answer to this question
  • Cory asks: Can this be done genuinely blindfolded?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The blindfold supplied is a regular blindfold.
  • Riddhipratim asks: Do I need to buy any regular/normal Phoenix back deck separately?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No need to buy a regular Phoenix deck because you receive everything you need to perform the effect.
  • Steve asks: I’m visually impaired. Can I perform it?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: I'm afraid you can't
    Post an answer to this question
  • Mark asks: Hi - Can you perform this for a single spectator or would the trick not make sense that way?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can totally perform this one-on-one. They'll be very impressed.
  • Robert J asks: Can a different card be chosen or is it the same card for table hopping?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Your spectators can select different cards
  • Jonathan asks: Does this come with an online instructional video as I don't own a DVD player?

    • 1. Jim answers: Yes, if you buy it from Vanishing Inc Magic, the explanation video is added to your account.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Nathan asks: So I’m terrible at math even simple math is a struggle. Does this require any math to perform?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There is no math involved.
  • Jack asks: Could this be performed walk-around? Without any table?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You will need a table for this and the routine is a bit long for walk around. This is better for formal close up performances.
  • Enoch asks: Is it possible to just buy the secret for cheaper but it doesn't come with the gimmick? Thanks.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately not.
  • Enoch asks: Is it a one hundred percent free choice?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Absolutely!
  • Omar asks: Can I create my own gimmicked Bicycle deck (instead of the provided Phoenix)?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No. The method relies on the very special cards you get.
  • Thanos asks: Is there a dvd or an online video available with the product?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, you will receive an online, downloadable video with the instructions on when you purchase.
Ask a question