Minuscule Mentalism
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A full-length exploration into the creation of miniatures 'sets' of mentalism material using thesimplest of props - a box of matches or a handful of coins.
Armed with nothing more than a box of matches or a small handful of coins, you can nowentertain your close up audiences with amazing demonstrations of mentalism. It's intimate. It'samazing.
But as is true of the vast majority of mentalism, this material doesn't have to exclusively be usedclose-up. With proper presentation virtually all of this material can be played to much largeraudiences if you wish. That said the properties involved are definitely small and extremelyportable. This is the kind of material that you can easily carry with you under any circumstancesand do anywhere.
This is worker material.
There are approximately 50 effects in these pages. Some deal specifically with matches, somedeal specifically with coins. Still others can be performed with either set of props. All of thismaterial is novel and like nothing that your audience will have ever seen before. Create yourown 'set'!
Altogether, this amazing tome weighs in at about 80 pages, comb bound in card covers.
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Claude asks: This book sounds intriguing. Is it possible to list a table of contents?
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