Andrew Frost (@sleightlyobsessed) - Download Bundle 2020

Magic download (video) by Andrew Frost
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Andrew Frost (@sleightlyobsessed) - Download Bundle 2020

34.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Andrew Frost (34.95)

Andrew Frost (often better known by his Instagram handle, @sleightlyobsessed) is one of the most technically proficient card technicians we know. Consisting of three separate downloads, in this bundle, you will learn a deceptive yet easy False Cut, a Two-Card Transpo that happens impossibly fast (which also contains a difficult, but deceptive reversal), and Andy’s clear step-by-step instruction on the Curry Turnover (along with applications).

Curry Turnover - A move that has captured our imagination is the Curry Turnover. You almost never see it done well, and it's incredibly useful sleight. We're delighted to provide a tutorial by technical master Andy Frost with step-by-step instruction on this classic move. The Curry Turnover allows you to apparently turn a tabled card over sideways whilst secretly switching it for the top card of the deck. We realized that this move is NOT taught on video in the sort of detail-oriented approach we specialize in. So we're delighted that Andy Frost has provided a tutorial that covers every aspect of this classic move in painstaking detail.

Two Card Transpo - A rite of passage for all serious card workers, the simple exchange of two cards while holding a deck is a visual effect that takes just seconds to perform. Andy's version uses Troy Hooser's Slip Stream sleight, as well as a new move you're sure to incorporate into your arsenal.

Table False Cut - Don't underestimate this lovely, simple cut by its quick trailer. It looks EXACTLY like what it's supposed to. You cut the cards to table, the top half onto the bottom half. Actually, the simple sleight is accomplished through a marvelous visual illusion and can be mastered within minutes. Andy Frost breaks the sleight down second by second so you can add this cut to your repertoire.

Running time: 29 minutes 42 seconds


Customer reviews for Andrew Frost (@sleightlyobsessed) - Download Bundle 2020



Andrew Frost, also known as @sleightlyobsessed on Instagram,, is a master of card manipulation and his “Cardistry and Sleights Bundle” is a treasure trove for card enthusiasts. This collection includes three individual downloads, each offering valuable insights and techniques.

Curry Turnover: Frost’s detailed tutorial on the Curry Turnover fills a gap in magical education. This classic move, often overlooked, is broken down meticulously by Frost, making it accessible to all.

Two Card Transpo: Frost’s version of the Two Card Transpo, using Troy Hooser’s Slip Stream sleight, is a visual delight. His step-by-step guidance ensure you grasp the intricacies of the classic effect.

Table False Cut: Seemingly simple, offers a convincing illusion.

Frosts’s teaching is clear and detailed making these sleights accessible to both beginners and experienced magicians. If you are looking to enhance your card skills, this is a must have resources that will elevate your magical repertoire.



Andrew Frost is such a great teacher and this bundle is packed with gems! The false cut is one of my favorites and has now been added to my repertoire. 100% worth it. Don’t think about it, just buy it! You will not be disappointed in the least bit. Andrew frost teaches you these sleights in such a great way that it seems almost easy. I hope to see more material from him!





The false table cut looks great, definitely one to practise and use on the off-beat. The Curry Turnover is a move I've always wanted to use, but could never get it to look quite right; this tutorial is excellent, with great tips to make it look invisible (it is also just great to see someone do the move so well, so you know it can be done invisibly with enough practice). A couple of effects are explained to go with each of these techniques, and the third component of the download is an in-the-hands transposition effect.





VI Monthly


Andrew Frost continues to be unfairly smooth and his explanations follow suit. The utilities range from simple to more difficult but everything is clearly explained with justifications provided for every move. The two-card transposition is perfect, it's simple and packs a punch. The false cut may be the last false table cut you'll need for a long time and the curry turnover is the best explanation I've seen on what's certainly not the easiest move in magic.



VI Monthly










This is a great bundle with such strong material. I love the Curry-takes some time getting the position right to make the switch but it really is major league. Now You See It and Two Card Transposition are just great tricks. The card deck cut is extremely deceptive and can be picked up pretty quickly with practice.



Brilliant!! So so good, everything is taught in such great detail and is super easy to understand, the tabled false cut is genius!!



Andrew is indeed sleight-obsessed—and that’s wonderful for all of us. As anyone who has met him in person can attest to, Andrew is a very generous magician, willing to teach a new friend something he’s poured countless hours of thinking into. This bundle wonderfully captures his ability to communicate nuanced aspects of the moves he’s teaching without losing the audience or missing a beat.

The bundle is a great value for all the knowledge included, and spending time with Mr. Frost should give you lots to think about when approaching other techniques in your magic curriculum. The Table False Cut is a workhorse that astute viewers will use as a jumping off point to consider other elements of their general card handling.



Wow - That false cut is Amazing and after watching Andrew's full walk through I was doing the move instantly due to the detail and excellent explaination.

Andrew is also a really nice guy - Download this bundle now - Great work man , looking forward to your future projects !



Great great content! Andrew is an excellent teacher, his insights on sleight of hand are pure gold. The false cut in here is a true gem, the most deceptive and direct approach to the move I've ever seen.

VI Monthly


The only thing better about the selection of material (which is top notch) is Mr Frost’s teaching ability. He really knows how to communicate sleights and the details. He also has great tips for practicing in general. What impressed me from the trailer is how good his curry turn over and slip stream looks. And his double lift as well (maybe one day?). Classic moves just look so good in his hands and I must believe it’s because of his attention to detail which he conveys in these videos.

And that false cut is to me the best thing in this project. The mechanics are just so ingenious but simple. I’m never doing a classic pass false cut again after seeing this.



Don't be stupid, download this and everything else Andrew has released!

VI Monthly


This download bundle is jam packed with great sleights that range from beginner to advanced. Here is the breakdown of what you get per download:
Curry Turnover
Explanation: Andrew goes over the move in detail, with a few different camera angles. One of the best explanations I've seen for the move.
Now you see it: A simple effect using the Curry Turnover. Though it is simple it actually has a lot of room to be very strong if you build up the finale correctly. Andrew points out some subtleties to make the final revelation very strong.
Two card transpo: This is the transpo you see in the demo. Great thinking and very streamlined handling. It does use one more sleight, which is medium level.
Additional thoughts: Andrew gives a couple of tips and some ideas as to where the move could be used. Even though this section is only a couple of minutes long, his advice is extremely valuable.

Table False Cut
Explanation: Andrew goes through the explanation of the cut as well as timing and advise to make it look as deceptive as it looks in his hands. Great stuff.
Applications: I was not expecting more than the cut, but he goes through two simple effects using it, that should get your gears working.
Cut to a 4 of a kind: This effect is a straight forward production of a four of a kind. Clever use of the false cut and sets you up for a four of a kind effect or even an effect with a stack/set up (since the false cut retains the deck order).
Multiple card control: this is one of those 'why haven't I been doing that?' things. Great idea, and a good suggestion as to how many cards should be used.

Two card transposition
Explanation: This effect is very straight forward and very magical. It includes two moves, one published and one original to Andrew. Both moves are intermediate to advanced although not too knuckle busting, but they will take practice.
Troy Hooser’s Slip Stream: if you already do this move, you are half way there. This is a great way to displace a card and Andrew provides tips on how handle the move. The angles in which this was filmed give you all you need to understand finger positioning and timing.
Advance level sleight: I will not reveal what it is here, but it is a one handed sleight that can have many applications. It does require some misdirection, but that is built into this routine.
Additional thoughts: Again, interestingly Andrew throws in some of the best advice at the very end of the video. He mentions how he likes to practice moves and how they should be approached, so the move is not just learned but adapted to one's hands.

Overall, this bundle is fantastic. Andrew has put a lot of detail into his explanations, and the advice he provides on practice and overall card handling is great. Money well spent.



Absolute treasure trove! Already performing the false cut which is so deceptive.
Andy is such a great teacher.
I highly recommend this - An amazing bundle ????????



Really solid bundle guys. Love the handling of the Curry Turnover. These tricks will keep me busy all week...



Andrew Frost? Take my money already :D I knew it would be a great download bundle and it was. Loving the false cut and will be practicing the two-card transpo for sure



Holy cow! This was worth it for the false cut alone!



Great techniques, like every other by Andrew Frost. If I’m right, you can’t learn Curry Turnover anywhere else, and it’s a great and useful move. Everything is clearly explained, and two of the moves are easy to do, curry turnover is harder.


Community questions about Andrew Frost (@sleightlyobsessed) - Download Bundle 2020

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  • Hector asks: Hi. Is this ok for begginers? It is performed with a regular deck of cards? Thanks in advance.

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: It's a bit advance and takes time to practice. and yes! you can perform with a regular deck of card
    Post an answer to this question
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