Father Alex on Hand Mucking

Magic download (video) by Father Alex
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 15 reviews

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Father Alex on Hand Mucking

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Father Alex (12.00)

The HIT of this year's The Session was seeing Father Alex (a high-ranking Priest in Paris, who also happens to be a world expert in cheating sleight-of-hand) demonstrate THREE hand-mucks to switch one tabled card for another.

Widely regarded as one of the hardest moves at the gaming table, hand-mucking is a way, with one hand, to switch a tabled card (or cards) for palmed cards. Here, he shows THREE different methods—one highly original—that allow you to switch tabled cards. One of them is easy enough to master in one sitting, and in another, you create a double right in front of the audience.

The download is a mixture of live footage and studio-shot close-ups, which makes learning and admiring these moves a blast.

Running time: 19 minutes.


Customer reviews for Father Alex on Hand Mucking





Father Alex is truly inspiring. It's so good to see this in a live setting and to hear the reactions to some truly mind-blowing techniques.



The download is not very long, but the explanations are great and about as straightforward as they come. There are not many downloads like this one, and lots of the information on things like tabled switches and hand mucking can only be found in old, hard to find books and pamphlets. The sleights taught on this download are seldom used, but they are extremely deceptive when used with skill and restraint.







Father Alex is a great magician ! there is a chance to learn differents hand mucks from one of the best in this domain.
Father Alex gives all the details to explore hand mucks - If you are not familiar with this move, it's a perfect introduction and way to get further. His technique is so brillant and revelant.



Great download! Very clear teaching from Father Alex, I liked that you can see Father Alex’s lecture at The Session. Definitely looking forward to more downloads from Father Alex in Vanishing Inc.



This is by far one of THE BEST instructions I have EVER seen on hand mucking.

You guys need to seriously bring Father Alex back for more lessons on hand mucking and gambling demonstrations.

I highly recommend this!



A very useful move, explained in detail. Keep up the good work. I use hand-mucking for open prediction effects, combined with a memorized stack, almost overkill. And, you a have a big advantage at the cardtable, is not that unfair?



EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Could have made a DVD out of this for twice the price and it would have been worth it. This man is so talented!



For YEARS I have wanted to incorporate handmucking into a gambling demonstration. This is the FIRST PLACE I've ever been able to learn it. EXCELLENT work. Highest rating!



This is why Vanishing Inc rocks. To see this stuff taped in a live setting means so much, because rarely can these things be done in real life. I was very impressed by the clarity in teaching and video. Another hit download guys!



I saw this live and it was superb - highly recommended





This is a very good download! Father Alex teaches the three mucks in a very clear and concise manner, spending no more than a few minutes on each one and yet covering all the important points.
He could have gone more into detail on all of the moves, but the few things he doesn't mention can be easily deduced by closely watching the close-up camera shots.
The live performance shown after the instructions is great as well, as he performs and explains several tricks here.
All in all a very good download, I'll recommend it to anyone who wants to get started with hand mucking.


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