Hofzzy Osbourne

Magic download (video) by Dan and Dave Buck
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Hofzzy Osbourne

8.40 usd

Magic download (video) by Dan and Dave Buck (8.40)

A nice remix of the classic Hofzinser Ace trick. Your spectators will swear you have some sort of supernatural powers. You literally set up the ending of the trick before you really even start.

The magic really does happen in their hands.


Customer reviews for Hofzzy Osbourne



This trick it is simply amazing, and very easy to perform in any given situation, street, party, stage, and almost from any angle viewed, i reccomand it enspecially to annyone who just startet his journey in magic or is just beginner in sleight of hand techniqs, it is just perfect to practice basic sleights that would come usefull for more advanvce sleights later on in your magic journey. It is also a very well explained download, doing a good job going onto the depths of the trick so clear that anyone can easily understand what is going on in the video explanation. It is a trick that everyone should start with enspecialy if you are into sleight of hand playing cards tricks. it can easily be a magician fooler if practiced and performed well, can be easily customisible to fit anyone with any cards, with some crwatibith maybe also with other objects then cards, any magic style. The price it is way to cheap for what this download offers even if its a short video, but its a short trick with a very powerfull effect, again if practicet and performed well so i reccomend everyone t get it, learn it, and have fun with it!


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