The Circus Card Trick

Magic download (video) by Jared Kopf
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The Circus Card Trick

9.60 usd

Magic download (video) by Jared Kopf (9.60)

Whether you're completely new to card magic, or you're a seasoned conjurer, this tutorial for the Circus Card Trick is the perfect starting point for performing meaningful, powerful magic.

Within this explanation from one of our favorite close-up magicians, Jared Kopf, are the basic method and mechanics for achieving the effect, as well as several lesser known principles and presentations.

Described in both Expert Card Technique and the Royal Road to Card Magic, both by Hugard and Braué, the Circus Card Trick is "an ancient snare used by circus grifters against the gullible and the greedy."

Many beginner card tricks are learned and forgotten as we advance to more difficult techniques and principles. But the classics are timeless, and though the Circus Card Trick may have been the first trick you ever learned, it is remarkably powerful and worthy of much appreciation.


Customer reviews for The Circus Card Trick



This is a fun trick to do. I love it.



"The Circus Card Trick," presented by Jared Kopf, uses a classic principle in card magic that is so easy a 3rd-grade student can follow the tutorial and learn to do this. For seasoned card handlers, this should not be dismissed because of the easiness of the trick.

Often, the less complicated card principles deliver a more robust response from your audience than those techniques which tend to become far too discombobulated, attempting to impress with fancy moves and intellectually stimulating patter.

If you want an easy, impromptu card trick that needs no setup and you can instantly perform with your audience's deck of cards, then "The Circus Card Trick" is for you.





I love this dearly. GT says he who is the best story wins I think he is right this is real magic.



This is a very simple trick (from a "difficulty to execute" perspective). In fact, it's likely to have been one of the first you ever learned. And you probably don't perform it. Why? Because it's a beginner's trick, too simple for a serious professional.

That's why you need to get this: it's a perfect example of how an actual professional makes something astonishing out of something very simple, through presentational approaches and performing subtleties (including one that will fool most of the magicians you know). It's of extra interest for those who teach magic, as no difficult manipulation is desired, and it's a killer trick. Classics are classics for good reason. Definitely recommended.


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