The Window Change

Magic download (video) by Andrew Frost
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.5 | 22 reviews

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The Window Change

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Andrew Frost (12.00)

Learn one of the most elegant and refined techniques by the hottest hands on Instagram. Andrew Frost (or as you might know him, @sleightlyobsessed) has been raising eyebrows all over the world with his buttery smooth sleight of hand. Now he teaches one of his favorite techniques for the very first time.

The Window Change was first published by Jean Hugard in Card Manipulations (1933) and is a breathtaking color change or card appearance on the top of the deck. It is, above all, a soft move, and the card seems to just melt into view. The move is difficult, but taught expertly and achievable to anyone willing to put in a couple hours of practice.

Andy teaches the history of the move, and goes into the perfect amount of detail on how to learn it. He also explains three applications: a Card to Pocket effect, a direct steal from the middle of the deck, and a stunning appearance effect.

The download runs nearly 10 minutes in length, and requires nothing more than a pack of cards.

Running time: 9 minutes 47 seconds.

As part of our Community Captions project, the explanation video for this download has optional English subtitles.


Customer reviews for The Window Change



The Window Change is a very nice color change. Andrew Frost does a great job on teaching the move and getting into more details. Combine this with the usual Vanishing Inc video quality and you have a great download.



Great visual transition! You will be amazed at how simple it is for its impact!





Great color chang



It's Andrew Frost. Enough said.





A lovely change with an excellent teaching video accompanying it. Please don’t assume the change is limited to the applications taught in the video, you can apply to any routine that your imagination lets you



So bloody simple it's wonderful. Can even practice it lying flat on my back in bed. Well done, Andrew.



Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much Andrew and Vanishing Inc! This colour change is great and I hope to do it justice in performance! If you're reading this and want to know whether it is worth it or not, just get it! Thanks once again!



Very cool move. Taught in complete detail. Beginner to Pro, everybody will get it done.



This trick is so easy to learn even I did it within an hour or so. Ian.



Fantastic download. Fantastic teaching. Fantastic move. No matter if you are a beginner or a pro. Andrew teaches everything you need to perfect that change.



Great download. I absolutely love the change and the card to pocket application. Alongside Tony Chang’s colour change, these are literally the two best in existence. I found this one quicker to get down though. Thanks



Best download I've purchased this year. thanks vi



I'm already doing it! I purchased last night. I'm not as smooth as Andrew but I'm getting there. Very clear instructions and not as hard as I thought actually. Just checked out your instagram too. Good stuff!



Now way!! Been waiting to learn this for ages. Awesome!!!



Nice guy, and good and peaceful show:)
Easy english!



This is a beautiful move, and is taught pretty well. However I personally feel that it was way too short of a video. there was absolutely no talk of angles, performance hints or anything like that. Admittedly its all rather self explanatory, but still it would have been good to have the input of someone who has performed this effect live. My only other complaint is that it felt rushed, the actual explanation itself is very short, maybe that's just my perception of it though. As I said though its a beautiful move and good fun to practice as its so visual.



I really loved the download. The moves are interesting and fun to practice. Andrew also teaches a few applications to use the moves in routines.
The only thing missing from this download is a in-depth discussion about angles and performing for a larger audience. Maybe one video of Andrew performing it for a few people would have helped.



Excellent sleight, taught well... but it would have been really, really helpful to have the sleight taught from an additional angle, looking down as if from performer's POV. The single angle of the shot, facing the performer, is not as thorough as I would have liked. You can absolutely still learn it this way, but for me it's the difference between a 5-star video and a 4-star video. Still very happy I purchased it.



I a little disapointed whit this. No discusse for angles and a brifly explanation of the technique. I expected more.



As this colour change is angle sensitive (the spectators have to be on your right side) it is not very practical. The teaching is okay, although the topic of angles and live performances is not discussed. I'm always disappointed when I buy a product that cannot be used for a real live performance.


Community questions about The Window Change

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • jonas asks: Hi! Can this be done with a normal deck of cards. Like no gimmicks or what so ever.

    • 1. Neil answers: I think as the description says “requires nothing more than a pack of cards”, I’d safely assume there are no gimmicks!
    • 2. Andrew Frost (creator) responds: Everything on the project can be done with a normal deck of cards. There are no gimmicks used at all.
    • 1. Neil answers: I think as the description says “requires nothing more than a pack of cards”, I’d safely assume there are no gimmicks!
  • Jeffrey asks: Looks like something good to learn can I order the download with a prepaid visa money card from walmarts?

    • 1. Brian E answers: Hey buddy, I want to say yes, shouldn't be a problem as long as it's a visa, MasterCard or Amex.
    • 2. Brian answers: just bought with mastercard prepaid so you should be fine as long as its one of the above mentioned
    Post an answer to this question
  • Wade asks: Is this for video performance only? Angle sensitive? What about sounds during performance like clicks and slides audience can hear?

    • 1. Thomas answers: I disagree with Brian. This change IS angle sensitive - the spectators have to be on your right side (with the deck in the left hand), and the application for card to pocket can be done only for a single spectator in front of you.
    • 2. Ryan answers: the angle is about as much as a cop. Its quiet easy to hide and its quick, silent, and amazing. highly recommended.
    • 3. Brian answers: def not for video performance. not very angle sensitive, and no sounds basically
    Post an answer to this question
  • Dave asks: As a complete noob, would this be a good change to start with? How advanced do you need to be to get the moves down?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No, it's definitely not for a complete noob. It's very technical.
    • 2. Joseph answers: Just want to say: check out the honest answer from the team at Vanishing Magic. They never rip you off, lie, or upsell. If they say requires some technique, it does. That’s why we buy here
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