Three Miracles

Magic download (video) by Luis Otero
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Three Miracles

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Luis Otero (12.00)

Venezuela's Luis Otero is one of our absolute favorite magicians, and he is an underground force! His magic is highly original and his presentational style is pure fun. We asked Luis to headline our gala show at The Session last year, and with only a pack of cards, he commanded a standing ovation. Here are three of his favorite routines, never before published...until now. 

Penelope Does it Herself: In this ingenious faro miracle, two freely chosen cards are used to create and find another selection. A complete magician-fooler!

Invisible Marks: An innovative new force that allows a spectator to find four Aces in the deck...and as an added impossibility you change the backs of the Aces to different colors. 

The Invisible Card: This is Luis's beautiful rendition of The Mystery Card plot, in which a signed selection appears in the unlikeliest place. It's a handling variation of Jack Carpenter's wonderful classic "Mysterious" from his book Modus Operandi by Stephen Hobbs.

Running time: 30 minutes


Customer reviews for Three Miracles



3 very good tricks with some good moves !! Each trick uses a differents principle and approach, so you can find something to your taste ! The last trick uses a very cool move (with visual retention) that worth the price of the download

VI Monthly


Luis Otero is a very creative performer and these are indeed three miracles. "Penelope Does it Herself" is the only trick that require a more complex setup, ands therefore is better suited for a table performance and not for walk around, but it is worth for the appropriate situation. The technique taught in "Invisible Marks" is great and can be applied to other effects. "The Invisible Card" is a nice version of the mysterious card plot.



Everything the great Mr Aronson produced was, and is mind-blowing to me - his creative magical mind was incredible - Thank you for this free download!





The force taught and the handling of mystery card are 100% worth the price, the Penelope trick is not for me as I feel like if youre going to have a full set up there are way more impressive things you can do, overall 100% worth the money. Great download.



Oh yes. Wonderful, tightly designed and beautifully executed card routines.

Everything looks so clean (even to a magician), yet plenty is going on sleight-wise under the surface. And the effect, in every case, is worth it.

Just the kind of card magic I like!





For the less than ten bucks you will get very usable magic which is more valuable than the price. The tutorial is well explained and wasn´t disappointed with the magic. The tricks are very entertaining and I would say they are not too difficult to do even for the beginners.



Luis Otero's three tricks have greater impact, and appear much harder to perform, than you might think. The first, "Penelope Does it Herself", does not require a complete false shuffle, so you can relax. It is more important that you get the full deck set-up correct. The trick is worth the effort.
My favourite of the three (although no one should right off "The Invisible Card"), is "Invisible Marks". I had to learn a new sleight in order to perform this trick, taught well in the download, one that I will be happy to have in my toolbox. Invisible Marks has got me great reactions.



All 3 effects are great, got it as a Black Friday freebie, but would have happily paid for these.

Luis Otero is someone I will look out for in the future, the teaching is very clear and it will definently go into my repertoire.

4 us dollars per effect is very cheap, I especially like effect one and three.

Five stars from Denmark

VI Monthly


All three tricks are amazing, I was fooled so badly from watching the trailer that I immediately wanted to get them.

I can imagine myself performing all three tricks. Each one has something outstanding. "Penelope does it herself" is a great trick that is nearly self-working and I love the fact that you use both cards for suit and value to get a random card. The highlight in "Invisible Marks" is the very visual color change. And the "The Invisible Card" provides you with a very practical principle for switching cards.


David H.

These routines deserve their title. Very well-thought out, commercial workers that are not overly difficult. Should get good reactions from any audience. I have been a fan of Brother John Hamman's mystery card and have seen numerous variations. This version is among the best.



This is an excellent download. I watched the first effect and tried it myself and I still can’t believe it works. The last one is also very strong with the signed card in impossible position. I wasn’t so keen on the second effect but it was still good. All in all an excellent download well worth the price.



Luis Otero is a excellent magician and teacher.Highly recommended! Great Work! Thanks.



Great variations on classic plots. The sleights are not for beginners, but aren't too tough, either. I will work on all three effects, which is unusual with most collections I've purchased.



VI Monthly





This download is amazing. For $12 you get 3 incredible routines that is sure to impress. The invisible card alone is worth the price of the entire download. This is highly recommended. Get it now while it's still 50% off!



good performances, good teaching. the first routine is a clever way of using an interesting principle that most card workers will know. What I didn't like about the routine is that it uses a full deck stack, that doesn't make it practical for most. I too liked the second routine, the appearance of the aces. it uses a simple force four times. The fact however that the backs of the Aces are different in color at the end to me seems like going too far with the effect as it tells an intelligent audience that the selection of the Aces was not genuine. I most liked the third and last routine and I have nothing bad to say about it. well done!



Magic books that I enjoy often only have one or two tricks that I end up actually using. This "Three Miracles" video download contains three extremely strong card routines. Each routine has either an interesting principle or an interesting sleight at play. Luis Otero does a great job presenting and demonstrating the inner workings of each routine.



Entertaining card tricks that draw the audience in. The lessons are clear. The sleights are easy. And the effects will make everyone gasp.
Entertainment with cards that goes beyond the old idea of "I am smarter than you are." into the realm of keeping the audience focused on what is going to make them gasp, next.
Get it!



This is a fantastic tutorial! As always, it's about more than what's ostensibly happening. I really enjoy learning new stuff (new to me, anyway!), and I wasn't disappointed with this! There are a couple of things that require some basic skill with the cards, and something that's essentially self-working (with a bit of stacking), but just about anyone who can handle a deck of cards without dropping them can learn these three card miracles with some minimal practice.



Three miracles for 10 bucks... that's exactly what you get. This is pure gold and for $10 is a steal.

I perform Penelope does it herself every time that I can. It's a fooler for sure and the most baffling thing is that I can't think of how the hell did Luis came up with this.



The title tells the story - indeed, here are three *miracles* with cards.

"Penelope Does It Herself" is an impossibly free coincidence effect with a surprise second phase.

"Invisible Marks" is an effect where the spectator locates the aces - but with a kicker ending.

"Impossible card" is a wonderful rehandling of Jack Carpenter's "Mystery Card".

All of the effects are relatively easy to do, but (like everything) will require practice to get smooth. Luis puts a lot of effort into teaching the effects, so everything is really clear. Yet another excellent download from Vanishing Inc!


Thomas F

Vanishing, Inc has struck gold (again) with "Three Miracles".
Luis Otero is a wonderful teacher and his personality is infectious. He comes across as a genuine and very likable person. ALL the effects are "keepers".
Do yourself a favor and spend the $10.00 NOW. You won't reget it!



Highly recommended! In fact, I think it was worth the price just for the Mystery Card handling. It takes the framework that Jack Carpenter created and takes it to the next level. A real worker: practical, entertaining, and fooling.

Penelope Does it Herself fooled me bad. I can't imagine how Luis was able to come up with this routine.

Overall, this download is a great value and I'm going to have to go searching for more Luis Otero material. Great work!



I received this as a free download, and my initial enthusiasm was moderate. The strongest effect is "Invisible Card" followed by "Invisible Marks" . The first effect relies on a palming technique in order to combine multiple transpositions with a sandwich using a signed card, while the second effect involves a cool force and a switch that lead to a kicker ending with a color changing backs. The other illusion ("Penelope Does it Herself") I care very little about, as it is a filler. There are 3-4 valuable sleights that are taught including switches and palms. This is good for beginners looking to transition into intermediate level.


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  • Robert asks: Penelope Does it Herself: do you need to be able to do a perfect shuffle.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No it does not need to be exact.
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