Complete Works Of Derek Dingle
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Finally back in print! You can now enjoy over 120 pieces from one of the greatest close-up magicians to ever live with The Complete Works of Derek Dingle, a must-have on the shelf of any serious magician.
The Complete Works of Derek Dingle is essentially two books in one. You get around 60 of his most iconic routines (many of which are either substantially improved or difficult to find in print elsewhere), as well as roughly 60 never-before-released sleights, effects and routines.
Dive into the some of the best card magic and coin magic tricks from one of the greatest sleight of hand artists of the 20th century like:
Featuring more than 110,000 words and 800 illustrations across 230+ pages, the essence of Derek Dingle's magic is captured like never before. Every nuance of technique, every line of patter, every ingredient that makes Derek Dingle's magic so special and enduring can be found in The Complete Works of Derek Dingle by Richard Kaufman.
232 Pages | Hardcover (w/ Dust Jacket) | Fully-Illustrated
This book has become a legend since it went OOP. I can't express how excited I am to finally have my own copy, without having to spend an absolute fortune. DD had a wide repertoire, and the best is found here. There are many variations of Triumph, Colour Changing Deck, All Backs, etc. You could spend years happily working through the content, finding the perfect gems for you.
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