CVF Deck

Trick by Bennie Chickering
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4.7 | 27 reviews

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CVF Deck

34.95 usd

Trick by Bennie Chickering (34.95)

In stock.
CVF Deck - magic
CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck CVF Deck

The effect is simple and strong: a truly random card is selected, signed, and lost in the center of the pack. You introduce a coin (which can also be signed) and you cause the coin to vanish visually. The coin is then rediscovered in the center of the pack, right next to the signed selection.

The CVF Deck is a brilliant and creative method, and the deck itself does all the work. The included pack of cards allows you to vanish the coin by tapping it with the deck. Poof, it's gone. You never even touch it. The coin's disappearance is exactly how magic ought to look. And then...the coin reappears just above the signed selection. Are you as fooled as we are?

The CVF Deck includes the gimmicked deck you need to perform the trick, and it can be learned within minutes thanks to Kyle Littleton's thorough video instructions. Both the coin and card can be signed, and the deck resets itself quickly for repeat performances.

Please note: You will need to use a coin that is either ferrous, magnetic, or shimmed. Many countries have coins in circulation that are attracted to magnets, but if not, you can find a selection of magnetic coins here.

Comes with special CVF deck with a Red Bicycle Back.

Vanishing Inc. Exclusive Bonus

While the CVF Deck comes with enough "normal" cards to perform a variety of different card tricks, some magicians may prefer to switch the deck in during performance. Anyone who purchases CVF Deck through Vanishing Inc. will receive a free deck switch download. Available ONLY to Vanishing Inc. customers.


Customer reviews for CVF Deck





Nifty. The first thing I added was a stack of regular cards mirroring the gaffed ones. This can then be switched into play as the gaffs are ditched. I like the idea of a low value coin which is intro'd as having divining powers when marked with special sign etc and is then gifted to the spectator after the "demo".



Very well made made deck and it is self made! he trick is easy to perform and one part of the gimmick is easy to do by yourself if needed or it wears out. There is also a bonus deck switch video included! Overall the explanation video is easy to watch and follow and you are ready to perform the trick in no time!








Well thought out, practical magic. Even with my old arthritic hands I can perform the advanced version. Tips are given so the orientation the thick card and advice if you are using magnet or a magnetic coin.



Concise, to the point and completely enjoyable. I found "The Gimmick" first and framed a couple of routines separately from the tutorial. What a fantastic effect.



I am teaching a youngster who wants to be a magician and this is a card effect that is is quick and easy to learn but will require some practice to make it look good. Ideal for a beginner and it makes them look professional.



Love it! Easy to perform. Great job!

VI Monthly




It is well made and looks durable. I am happy about it. The only worrying point on the trick for me is the fact both my coin and the gimmic are strong magnets, and the sound of them contacting is pretty obvious, i have to cover it by making noise.



Very good trick. Instructions are great and the deck is super smart!





Pretty darn easy--I admit to being a little slow re the magnetic coin thing, had it turned the wrong way but once I realized that, it worked like a dream. Fun.



Amazingly visual effect - fast and impossible . A signed coin is used to find a signed card lost in the deck - This is achived by simply by placing the cards on top if the coin - the disappearance is instant - the coin has vanished -its found sitting on top of the sitting on top of the signed card. It has to be magic - very neat gimmick -well made and the instrustions are cristal clear - you will be doing this effect straight out of the box -minimal handling and no angle issues. I was a little confused initially re: the type of coin - just to clarify you can to use any coin (or any other small object ?) that is attracted to a magnet - It does not need to be a magnetic coin - I use an ordinary UK 10p and it works a treat. Infact I would be wary of using a "magnetic" coin in case it sticks too firmly.



Great trick!



This second review is for Vanishing.
I had trouble with gimmick, and they replaced me immediately.
Thanks guys for your always fast and efficient availability.



Quite a well made deck that offers a quick, visual effect. I do want to point out that there's nothing particularly new here, and I was quite surprised there were no credits. There are 3 principles involved here, and although the magnetic aspect is a bit novel to this particular mix, the other two aspects to the gimmicks are relatively well known when it comes to "coin inside deck tricks". That said, it's well made and serves its purpose. Those who are familiar with coin in deck gimmicks will understand how this is made (given the info in the ad copy about the magnetic coin needed), but it's a fair price for beautifully pre-made gimmicks. If you like the effect in the trailer, you will not be disappointed. Easy handling, quick and visual, and don't forget both card and coin can be signed (use dry-erase :)).



When ever I purchase a trick that involves an exotic gimmicked card, I'm always afraid that the gimmick that I recieve won't look so good....just got mine and the "working" card is absolutely perfect! You can flash this face up, very close to your spectator, place it face up on the table and no one will give it second look. Beautiful work on the construction of the card. Kyle was right, one of the nicest gimmicks of this type you will ever see....very pleased....oh yeah, you can do cool tricks with it too!!





This is a great tutorial. I'm sure I'll have some fun with this!



I received my “CVF Deck” today and I can only say: Uuuaaaooooohhh great. And much better than I expected. The instructions are well done and you can run it just after 10 minutes you received it. So simple to perform and amazing for those who see it. Great….





The system did not allow me to post a "star" rating, but I give it a 3-star rating. The product quality is very good. I am very pleased as to the manufactured quality and the materials used for the product. However, as is typical with the product advertisements for magic products, the sound aspect of the effect is not addressed. When the deck is passed over the coin and it disappears, there is an associated sound with that disappearance. The sound is the coin hitting the deck as it is attracted to the deck. It is not a mild sound, but a very definitive "thud" as it hits the deck. To perform the effect as the product is manufactured, the "thud" sound must be drowned out by another background sound, talk louder at the moment the deck passes over the coin, create some dialogue to explain the sound of the "thud" that is heard by the spectator, or develop some sort of muffler to absorb the sound. To perform this effect properly for an audience, the "thud" sound must be remedied, otherwise the "thud" sound immediately creates suspicion on the part of the spectator as to how the effect works.



I seriously considered giving this effect two stars, but opted for three because the deck is gaffed so cleverly. The bad news is that the coin vanish is very loud with a s****ed US quarter, and a s****ed US half dollar never even makes it to the finish line—it’s just too heavy and bumps against the “inside” of the deck, causing it to fall out instead of vanishing. Equally problematic is the decision to gaff a joker instead of an indifferent spot card; the joker looks suspicious loitering in the center of the deck, especially when it’s right behind the chosen card. I’ve tried to tweak the CVF by subbing a s****ed spot card for the joker and a m*****ic coin for the s****ed one I was using, and that works OK but the deck still makes a sickening Slap when the coin vanishes.

I will probably keep fooling around with this deck just for the challenge of improving it, but out of the box, it’s neither practical nor convincing. A clever idea that, IMO, needed more R&D before release.



Great effect but for some reason, the coin doesn't always rest where it needs to be, a few people have mentioned difficulty repairing the gimmick, I don't think this is hard as long as you have the correct type of something you will be fine. Not performed this yet as the coin just doesn't go where it should 100% of the time for me. I did reach out to Vanishing but didn't get a response.



Big eh here guys, I dont know if I just dont "Love" the method or if its just not that good. Either way, 3 stars is honestly what Id say this is worth.


Community questions about CVF Deck

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Bill asks: If the card and coin get signed, won’t i have to keep replacing them? Also, it sounds like in addition to the price of the deck, I will need to buy a magnetic coin. Am I correct? Thank you. Bill

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Just like any signed card routine, you'd have to replace the card if it was signed. While the special CVF deck takes care of all the hard work for you, the signed card can be replaced with any red bicycle card. The same goes for the coin if you live in a country where magnetic coins are regularly available. For Americans, and other countries without magnetic currency, yes, you'd have to purchase a separate magnetic coin or steel shimmed coin if you don't have one. In those cases, you could use a dry erase marker (double cross would make a great pairing with this).
  • Yonatan asks: Beginner's level?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes! It's essentially self-working.
  • Danny asks: Is this added to a deck? So it doesn't need refills as such?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is its own special deck of cards. No refills required.
  • Jeremy asks: From the trailer it looks like invisible thread is used (from the closeup of the coin on the deck) - is that the case? And if yes, how durable is the gimmicked deck? Should I be worried about breakage?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No thread is involved.
  • Charles asks: Examinable?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not examinable.
  • Doug asks: Can the deck of cards be examined?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The deck cannot be examined but a few of the cards can.
  • Richard asks: Does it come with a coin or is that something else you have to buy

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It does not come with a coin. You will need a ferrous coin, which many countries have in circulation. If you're in America, you'll need to buy a shimmed or magnetic coin.
  • David asks: Can this be performed standing up/strolling ? Or is it for sit down close up situations ?

    • 1. Jim answers: It is fine for standing/strolling, if you have time to reset it before performances.
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  • Don asks: Does one denomination of coin work better than the other? Does it work equally well using a (magnetic) quarter or a half dollar? always, thanks!

    • 1. Jim answers: Yes, it works well with a quarter or half dollar!
    • 2. Donald answers: Yes it works with just about any coin (USA or foreign), but it takes more care and practice with smaller coins and some coins large than a half dollar may not work. I use a steel coin and not a magnetic coin. I advise a fair amount of practice before performing. The practice is to make a smooth pickup of the coin and a natural look while performing the trick. Excellent trick.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Joel asks: It says in the trailer that cards can be signed. Are replacement cards available? Or can these be replaced with standard cards?

    • 1. Jim answers: You can replace the signed card with a card from a normal deck.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Kelly asks: Can you use dollar sized coins?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: As long as they have a magnetic property, yes!
  • William asks: The "CVF" acronym represents what?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We have been sworn to secrecy on this subject. Sorry! ??
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