David Williamson Raccoon Show

DVD by David Williamson
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David Williamson Raccoon Show

27.00 usd

DVD by David Williamson (27.00)

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Have you ever wanted to master the handling for the “Rocky Raccoon” spring puppet? Now you can learn from the master, who is arguably the funniest comedy magician in the world. David’s hilarious routine with Rocky Raccoon goes miles beyond the basic handling, with innovation and originality that have made it one of his pet (pun intended) effects.

Along with a performance and explanation of five effects, David shares all the extra moves you’ll need to know to maximize audience reactions. He even throws in a bonus effect, a lovely version of his Three Card Repeat, routine for the children’s entertainer.

Routines taught:

  • "Spoon Bending"
  • "Vanishing Hanky"
  • "Signature Trick"
  • "3-Card Repeat"
  • The in-depth work on "Rocky"

Spend 30 minutes with David to learn how he makes Rocky Raccoon the highlight of his family show.

"High spot of the day belonged to David Williamson. 'Tore the place apart with a devastating routine with one of those raccoons. Tremendous!" Donald Bevan

Customer reviews for David Williamson Raccoon Show



This is not a lecture as the product description states. A lecture would show how rocky raccoon would be manipulated. The video just shows Dave Williamson doing his rocky raccoon performance. Video is very disapointing



I've really liked Williamson's work since "Sleight of Dave" and Williamson's Wonders came out. I was looking for some Rocky Raccoon material, so when I saw the "Raccoon Lecture" DVD, which has a paragraph of large print extolling the Rocky instruction, I stopped reading and started ordering.

That was a mistake. I should have known: "the large print giveth and the fine print taketh away."

Going back to the VI site after watching the DVD (or trying to), I read the second, smaller-print paragraph. It clearly says there are five effects. But it doesn't list them. If it did--as most DVD blurbs do--I would've seen that the five are "Spoon Bending," the "Vanishing Hanky," the "Signature trick (I think they could be excused for calling it his signature "Signature trick") the "3-Card Repeat," and--finally--Rocky. All of this on a 30-minute DVD. And all of it I've got elsewhere.

So: no reflection on Mr. Williamson, or his work--but I really had no need to buy this DVD.

Which is no reason to give it a poor review.

I had a problem with sound quality. The video was shot years ago, at a conference in England. Williamson is using a mike on a stand. Unless he's talking right into it, it's hard to understand what he's saying. When he steps away it's almost impossible. I simply could not make out some of what he was saying. This isn't just an issue of sound level, although that's part of it. Parts, for me anyway, were unintelligible. I gave up on trying to figure out what he was saying before the end of the disc, which was really a let-down.

Much as I hate to say it--and, again: no reflection on Mr. Williamson--the money I spent on this disc would have been better spent elsewhere.

VI Monthly


Save your money. This video is complete garbage and should never have been put up for sale, although looking at the credits, it was filmed over 30 years ago, which probably explains the poor picture quality and atrocious sound, which make most of David's show (lecture) completely incomprehensible. It looks like somebody in the audience filmed this
without David's permission from the film quality. I can't imagine David allowed his name to be used for this video, which is also extremely overpriced.

Not sure why it's called his Raccoon Lecture - this is the last of 5 tricks David does and takes up nothing more than the last 5 minutes.


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