The Rebel Wallet

Accessory by Secret Tannery
115.00 In stock.
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The Rebel Wallet

115.00 usd

Accessory by Secret Tannery (115.00)

In stock.
The Rebel Wallet - magic
The Rebel Wallet The Rebel Wallet

The Rebel Wallet is crafted from a soft Nappa leather with blue stitching detail running throughout. Holding 14+ business or credit cards plus folded bills, it's surprising how slim the wallet feels. The loading area is a new design, no outside pockets or cuts in the leather so you can be confident in handing this out to spectators. This is the smallest Card To Envelope on the market and the only wallet that you can set up right in front of the spectator! Use as a hip pocket or jacket pocket style wallet.

Comes with gimmicked envelopes (bonsolopes) and special glides.

The wallet also works with medium-size bonsolopes which can be purchased separately.

If you're not the envelope-loading type, don't worry! The Rebel Wallet is a great Card To Wallet without using an envelope!

Perform in style!


Customer reviews for The Rebel Wallet



I have loads of wallets (no pun intended), but never use any of them except the Rebel. It is absolutely perfect. Beautiful slim design, easy load, nothing about it looks unordinary. Only wallet you”ll ever need.


Community questions about The Rebel Wallet

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Edward asks: What is bonslopes?How many do you get? How much does exacter one cost? thahks

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Bonsolopes are small envelopes that are designed to be used with "object to sealed envelope" routines. I believe that six are included. Mdium size bonsolopes can be purchased via
  • Ken asks: Which size bonslopes envelopes fit the Rebel wallet? Medium?

    • 1. Phil answers: Small and medium.
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  • Roberto asks: Hello, This version that you're selling for $115, is the Rebel Note version where it has a currency compartment, or is this the original Rebel wallet without the currency compartment? Thank you.

    • 1. James answers: This is the current version.
    • 2. Jon answers: This is the original Rebel. VI also sells the Rebel Note, listed separately.
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  • Daniel asks: Would this be the same as the "Rebel Elite Wallet"?

    • 1. James answers: That would be best answered by the creator, Gerard:
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  • Keith asks: What is the difference between the rebel wallet and the note rebel wallet?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The Rebel Note wallet has space to hold notes as well. The Rebel Wallet is designed just for credit cards.
  • Tom asks: Do you have to use a jacket? Can it be used in a jeans back pocket? Non-palming potential?

    • 1. Tom answers: Never mind. This was answered in the Rebel Wallet Elite section
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