Three Secrets

DVD by Ken Niinuma
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Three Secrets

25.00 usd

DVD by Ken Niinuma (25.00)

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Ken Niinuma is not a household name in the west, but he has quietly amassed a very, very impressive arsenal of original, easy card magic. Joshua Jay "discovered" Ken on a trip to Japan nearly a decade ago, and we have worked with him on his first-ever DVD collection, which is available ONLY through Vanishing Inc. Magic. We have worked for months to bring you such an unusual and, frankly, exciting collection. This is NOT the kind of material you will find in magic shops or online stores. This is a rare glimpse into what close-up magic looks like very far from where most of us reside.

So what does Ken Niinuma's magic look like? Think John Bannon, Allan Ackerman, and Caleb Wiles...with a distinctly Asian flair. Here are details on three routines found in the collection:

Waltz: a beautiful effect for couples where under impossible conditions two signed selections find each other.

Thunderstruck: The Bannon Triumph, Japanese style. In this blockbuster Triumph extravaganza, you find all the cards of a particular suit, and then find ALL the other suits in an unexpected, surprising ending.

Crackdown: This is that rare sandwich effect worth learning (we're cynical about most sandwich tricks, but this is GOOD). Two selections are inserted fairly into the deck and the Kings then placed face up in the middle. With no moves whatsoever you immediately spread the deck to show that the Kings have moved throughout the deck to sandwich the selections.

The name Three Secrets is a hint—a big hint, actually. There really are three secrets hidden within this DVD. There is much more than meets the eye, so happy hunting, easter-egg fans! If you've seen our East Meets West download, you'll know that Ken Niinuma is a creator of the highest caliber!

Three Secrets by Ken Niinuma

Customer reviews for Three Secrets



i wonder why there is nobody talking about this dvd?
Let me get a review for this for the Three Base effect (not Including the secrets)
1.Crackdown: This a pretty well made Sandwich routine! the visuals are amazing and it's very simple
2. Thunderstruck: i'm pretty sure this was on one of the Genii Magazine but i'm not sure which edition. But seeing this routine Live from the DVD this is a pretty strong Routine!So Powerful probably my favourite triumph effect ever
3. Waltz: this is a simple idea but i really like how this routine is structured. Put some nice presentation to it in which this could not only work with couple. But also siblings, twins, and best friends. In which this is simple yet powerful stuff!

Overall 9/10 this is pretty amazing! 3 card routine worth all the money i put


Community questions about Three Secrets

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  • Ron asks: The promotional language for this dvd mentions three secrets hidden inside yet I’ve been unable to locate these Easter eggs and seemingly no other owner has either judging from threads on other sites. Can you confirm that there are, in fact, three additional routines and/or ideas to be discovered? Would VanishingInc be willing to point purchasers in the right direction considering the confusion and the fact that years later, seemingly nobody has been able to find the bonus content?

    • 1. Sydney answers: there are three links within the DVD; however, the links are not being recognized by my browser.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Eric asks: My question is the same one that Ron asked above, but it appears that Sydney already tried to answer it without success. Is there any way that someone could take another crack at that? Speaking for myself, I’d gladly pay five dollars more for items to not have any Easter eggs, or to have the item delivered with a key or a link that just describes where the Easter eggs are. But maybe lots of other people just have a lot more free time than I do and/or find the hunt fun. Anyway, could someone possibly please answer the question that Ron asked above?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Ken Niinuma sadly is not currently practicing magic, which is a real shame because he was so great. As such, we don't currently have the list of easter eggs from his product. And the external links no longer work.
  • David asks: It is quite frustrating not being able to get the additional tricks that were available here. One of them (Puzzle Link) is available in the DVD, but the other two (finger stuff and ace assembly) were only available by an online link. I think VI should work in getting these available to old buyers. If anybody downloaded these videos at the time please comment.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds:
    • 2. Sydney answers: Hi, I don't know when you posted your question but here is the long awaited answer. Based on the different reviews I found on the product, I think it's the same ace assembly that was featured on the East Meets West download called Horizon Aces.
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